Can you get a permanent plate for our cars?


Classifieds Moderator
Staff member
Mar 26, 2006
In Illinois for regular yearly plate renewal , it is $103 plus where I live you need a yearly city sticker so add another $50. What sucks is that if you don't get a city sticker, you could possibly get a $100 ticket anywhere you park even places such as grocery stores, restaurants and private parking lots.
Well that's some happy horse shit... no surprise though, and yet one more reason IL is one of the states on my "will not visit" list. Shame too, you guys have some fantastic pizza, and Galloping Ghost arcade.

You can put a Chevy LSA, LS3, or LT1 in any car in California. See the link.

The E-Rod engines, you're speaking of. Certainly not a bad option, even if the LS3 in that form is so ridiculously hampered in that configuration...


Supramania Contributor
My Supra has several "not for road use" type components, and a couple of dead give-aways to non-SMOG compliance. The bar across the car that holds the seat belts is so marked, and the 6-point shoulder belts that attach to it, are not "DOT" approved, although, they were sold to me as such. They aren't legal on the road, and no longer on the track due to an expiration date on them... (five years from manufacture date). Then there are the adjustable cam gears, illegal in CA, and the plastic cover that shows them off :). All sorts of reasons other than SMOG why my Supra will never be "legal" here. Did a free Carfax report today and the last SMOG was 11/19/2003. I've owned it since 2005/6, and it's been in the garage the whole time. Registered non-op today, insured, but not driven, and not legal on the streets for even flat-bedding to another location. When I do decide to put her on the road, within the next year to 18 months, I will have at least 90 days with a big, red SMOG needed sticker in the rear window.. then I will need an extension. There are some bills working on changing things, and the system is probably getting better, but, I'm not expecting it. In the end, I know for a 100% fact that there are crooked SMOG stations out there... and for as little as $300, you can get virtually anything SMOG'ed here. I do know that ANY connection by a SMOG station is recorded in Sacramento, so it's probably best not to even try to pass when you know for all the reasons I know that there's no way you can pass. Pay the $300... skip GO!


Classifieds Moderator
Staff member
Mar 26, 2006
David, I don't think that my car would be legal to even show pictures of in Kalifornia... it has Wyoming plates on it. We love our freedom too much. :p

Seriously though, can't even flat bed a car that isn't smogged? How do you transport cars that are non operational?