Can anyone else pop flames like me?


Wangan Supra
Jun 8, 2006
My car has a full 3 inch exhaust from the turbo and a K&N filter, stock bypass valve not vented. If I'm driving at around 1800-2200 RPM's and I tap the throttle and then lift off a majority of the time (if the exhaust is hot) I can get my car to pop a flame. It's pretty cool but is this normal ? My boost gauge reads -5Vac before I lift off the throttle(I never build boost). It's also a lot more easier in a lower gear to get my car to pop (I consider 2nd to be the easiest)if that matters. I remember once while driving on a mountain rode(touge) keeping it in 5th I would be able to get my car to pop a flame every time I lifted off the throttle. It was nayce...

2000 RPM's in 2nd, Lift Off, broom broom POP! broom broom.

Any one else's Supra do this?


Supramania Contributor
Mar 30, 2005
Twin Cities, Minnesot-ah
ahhh the bang-bang mod. So much noise and if it is not aggressive enough, not alot of pressure build up.

as stated also. Make sure to have a fire extinguisher ready.

1100+ degree c post turbo makes for very intresting learning experience in what is combustibe at those tempratures.