*Cam belt Tensioner*


Grumpy Old Man
Mar 30, 2005
I come from a land down under
A small tip I've found when either working on a 7M or prepping it for machine work!

VERY IMPORTANT POINT don't over tighten the Cam Belt tensioner!!

36 ft/lbs is the spec and at that we measured half a thou deflection in #1 cylinder!!

I go to the extent of taking the tensioner and bolt along when the block is being bored with the torque plate to make sure the cylinders are round.


New Member
May 14, 2007
Tempe, AZ
IJ. said:
A small tip I've found when either working on a 7M or prepping it for machine work!

VERY IMPORTANT POINT don't over tighten the Cam Belt tensioner!!

36 ft/lbs is the spec and at that we measured half a thou deflection in #1 cylinder!!

I go to the extent of taking the tensioner and bolt along when the block is being bored with the torque plate to make sure the cylinders are round.

Can you trim the tensioner fastener?