Calling All Supras! Northeast FL ALL Toyota!


New Member
Jun 21, 2007
I apologize that this is my first post here and its a fairly generic one! I do however know a number of MKIII and MKIV owners and want to invite everyone to our event here in downtown Jacksonville! Sibling Rivalry 3.0!

August 4th, 2007



Last year was an over flow! We had to turn people away cause there just wasn't room enough! This year we are taking the show downtown Jacksonville! Many floors of the parking garage will be available so we should not run out of room.

Please post this around on other messageboards you visit, ALL Family Toyota/Lexus/Scion's are welcome! Come join us!!

Stop by our home website @!

This is a direct link to the messageboard on the meet, you can post as a member or sign up! Registration has to be activated due to Spammers, so if you register keep an eye out for an email!

And just a couple of pictures from last years:







Come out, enjoy the event, watch some RC drift cars, get some raffle prizes.. its FREE TO SHOW, and FREE TO SPECTATE! This is an event by owners for owners, see you all there!


New Member
Jun 21, 2007
A quick update while we were at the location from the top of the roof...


Those coming from I-95 North bound taking the Acosta Expressway to Broad St to get off will be seeing the parking garage right in front of them. I really couldn't hold the camera high enough, but there is a huge highway interchange right over the side. You'll be seeing a large 'TOYOTA' banner as you come over the crest of the bridge.


Just to the left, you will find yourself in what feels like the middle of all the downtown buildings. There are a few others chopped off by the camera to the left, its quite an awesome feeling that this is the backdrop of the top floor! You really feel like you are up in the air in the middle of downtown. I got very excited, had to just take the pics to show everyone :)


Back toward the corner the original picture was taken from, you see a bit of a calmer side to the surrounding area and a number of the bridges to downtown. Down in this corner you'll find the DJ on the top floor, the raffle area and a number of the vendors lining the sides as well as the RC Drift car arena, etc. We're counting on a few select rides to show up as more 'featured' rides to accompany a number of other vehicles that will be on the top floor. So bring the best, we're going to be looking for others to join us!

3rd floor of the parking garage is going to be sign up for parking. There will also be a designated area for staging before rolling in an parking. Those that are with clubs or crews will be able to use some area off to the side to line up before rolling on up the floors.

We are also planning a number of specific closed off spots for feature rides to show per floor, please mind those spots! Also, every car will get TWO spots to park in! That means if you want to angle the car however you like to pull in, knock yourselves out!

We are just over 3 weeks away, see you all there!


New Member
Jun 21, 2007
Woot!! ONE WEEK TO GO!!!

Can't wait, hope to see some of you guys there! Lots of cars are coming, 1JZ SC Lexus, Supra's, huge group of MR2's, 2nd gen Supra's, IS300's, Corolla's out the yang, turbo Celica's.. etc.. really can't wait, we're getting down to it! One week to go!!!

PS. Just a reminder, this is Free to show and Free to spectate.


New Member
Jun 21, 2007
One last check of the weather report this morning shows conditions have improved! We now only have a 20-30% chance throughout the day!!

See you all there!


New Member
Jun 21, 2007
Thanks to everyone that showed up! We had 106 cars come with a lot of different years and models! Some really old school Toyo's, a couple of nice MKIII's and MKIV's showed up from the Supra crowd. I'm sure we'll have the offical winners list and pictures up soon.. just wanted to shout out and thank all those that arrived! The quality of everything that came was great, a lot of turbo and supercharged cars! Turbo IS300's, Turbo TC's, Supercharged new Celica's, etc.. it was great!