I absolutely buy what I play. After I've tried it out, mind you.
Back in the day, software stores had return policies. So if the developer released total shit, you could take it back. Now, they don't allow that - guess why? Because we'd return the shit, dammit! I've occasionally gotten suckered in... like Left For Dead 2, which held my attention for maybe a week. And Medal of Honor... decent game, sure, but way too many bugs left on release day. Or Star Wars the Force Unleashed, with their damn silly system that required you to concentrate on one area of the screen to see what controls you need to use to finish any boss, which forces you to ignore the fantastic cinema gameplay.
However, Team Fortress 2 has been installed and in regular use on my PC for 2+ years now. That's value for my money. Valve code doesn't appear to suck badly, either, at least not since the original network code from Half Life, where you couldn't even play a lan based game without lag! It's to the point that I won't purchase a game from EA because without fail they release months too early. If you're lucky, they'll patch it a few times and it will be decent, but on release day, they suck.
Same deal with game consoles. Unless you're into sports games, they're terrible. FPS and RTS games simply require a mouse to be competitive. Without 'em you're always going to be second fiddle even when you're at the top of your game. Gaming companies are certain that they help contain piracy, so they'll keep trying to force us into switching...
And this whole losing money to piracy thing is 95% bullshit. The fact that a million copies of their game were pirated DOES NOT mean they lost a million sales. It doesn't even guarantee that they've lost ONE sale.