California has three smog check programs: Enhanced, Basic, and Change of Ownership. Enhanced means the vehicle gets put on the dyno and tested for NOx. Basic means the old two speed idle test. Change of Ownership means the vehicle is tested once when ownership changes or when initially registered in California. Such vehicles also get the two speed idle test. The program map can be found here:
As you can see a fair majority of the state does not require Enhanced testing. Personally I like the program. If one knows what they're doing it's easy to maintain compliance, keeps pollution at bay in urban areas, and addresses (although not effectively enough) the huge number of resident punks and self-centered assholes who couldn't give a rat's ass how much crap they're spewing into the air. Not to mention keeping in check those who, due to stupidity, couldn't make their engines run correctly if their lives depended on it. As for those who don't like it and want to leave, well, don't let the door hit you in the ass on your way out....