as I said I respect everone's opinions, but most of you are still missing my point. I don't mean to act just like them, just take a look at what they do to be desireable and use it to your advantage. Hell you can look at any time of man and use them to your advantage and adapt certain traits they have which impress the ladies.
IDK how better to explain it other than that, you just would have to see for yourself, I'm seriously telling you go to a bar/club/[insert place to meet women here] and then watch people interacting, the badboys/assholes are generally pulling hotties but are annoying and abusive, the losers are sitting quietly waiting for a woman to walk up to them or using dumbass lines or a buying stuff or complimenting women and generally asking for approval. regular Joe Schmoes are hit or miss at best and usiualy end up with an empty wallet and that same curious dry feeling between thier thighs at the nights end.
What do the men who have total success with women have in common with all these men? call me a loser, but I spend time to watch social interactions of people and actully enjoy it, I find it much like a live soap...
here's my description of a "ladies man"
They are comfortable in thier own skin and don't try to impress women but always end up with thier attention, they are chivalrous but not ass kissers, they are a just a little bit cocky and arrogant but balance it by being kind and protecting, they are funny, witty, and smart, yet they aren't know-it-alls, they aren't drunken brawlers but will stand up for what they know is right and will finish a fight, they will not be demanding, but will act like what they, are a MAN, and not always sway to every whim of a woman, they will choose where to sit at dinner, or choose the show at the movies, yet they will pay for it, and ultimately show her a better time than had she went with mr. pussywhipped and chose that chick flick instead of [insert movie here]