Bubbling Noise (yes, I did a search first)


I think it was the google
Mar 30, 2005
The Farm
GrimJack said:
Car guys foremost... ROFL. I'm a computer guy by day, my wrenching is an afterwork hobby at best.

lol yea hobby, i couldnt work on cars for a living, i would get pissed at customers
"u put how much oil in the engine"...."19 qourts????, HO LEY SH IT":biglaugh:


Sho' Nuff
Jul 11, 2005
Raleigh, North Carolina, United States
Makavelli said:
LOL! I thought all yall were car guys first and formost...I've never even changed my own oil, but seein how these Japanese techs charge $80 an hour for labor, I really wanna do my own work. It's encouraging to know that yall are in the same boat. You're doin you own engine swap, right? That's a big job, isn't it? I wanna swap to turbo, and can afford a really good engine, it's just the frikin labor that's put it outta my price range. Can you possibly post pics and run me a step by step when you're done? Also, seriously, if I have to change the HG, is it too big a job for a guy in my position, or is it as feasible as everyone here makes it sound?

Thanx again

LOL, no I go to NC State full time and work part time for twc so my schedule is quite full. Just like the other guys, this is nothing more than a hobby. For the swap, Ive never done anything close to it, Id say the most advanced thing ive done on a car is help a buddy fix a blown headgasket on his turbo'd NA eclipse, so yeah Im a little itimidated by it, but I know that doing it myself is not only plausible,but possible. And yeah I can do a step by step write up on it, but as of now I just got the supra and plan on running it as is while compiling parts for the swap. I plan on buying a mhg and and other upgraded parts and put it all on while the motor is out of the car, so it might take some time.

Doing a headgasket when you haven't even changed your oil might be a little overwhelming, but if you have basic mechanical skills it shouldnt be a problem as long as you document and mark everything well and take your time. Do what D34DC311 said and get a manual from autozone and with that, the people here on this forum, and the service manual available here you should not have a problem.


i wasnt speeding officer
Jun 3, 2005
perth West Australia
I had basics of the mechanics side down.oilchange,filters,airfilters,plugs, radiator flush's,just the simple things.Then i got my soupra,It took me 2 weeks of lookin around to find the oil dipstick :aigo: didnt see it hidden under the intake plumbing.Once i found that i was lookin more closely at bits and pieces,changed plugs,eventually done bhgs,swapped engines,swapped engines again,swapped heads,swap turbos,rebuilt the current engine and head,washed out intercooler,to finally puttin in the r154.This is over a period of 5yrs but by starting off with the small things u learn what bolt sizes,the sequence of removing parts to gain access to other parts,(toyotas fav is "Remove coolant hose and allow coolant to drain"Now you can remove part a,b,c,d,e to get to part f.)So just take a look at whats under your hood,i mean have the car turned off and stick ya head rite inside and start lookin,poking and touching the various parts and how they relate to eachother.Try it and amaze yourself:naughty: .I know i have and a lot of my mates are picking my brain at their car problems.
:icon_mull <!---- same hairstyle as me :cool:


Ok, Here's an update:

I popped my hatch to grab a jack (thought I had one, don't). My Driveway is a serious incline, so I'm hopin that helps... Anyway, I found standing water under the spare tire. I dried it up, but that wasn't it.

I opened the radiator cap, and coolant came out, overflowing slowly. I let it settle then turned on the car to "burp it" and the coolant came right back up to the top.

Is the trapped air causing this, or could the radiator be clogged? (or worse?)

BTW, the coolant is a nice fresh bright green and the dipstick is honey-brown :icon_bigg so no signs of BHG.


Sho' Nuff
Jul 11, 2005
Raleigh, North Carolina, United States
Yep sounds like trapped air to me. You have to remember that the coolant system is a closed system and with the radiator cap off the only exit that air now has is through that cap. Of course the coolant thats in there is in the way of the air (less dense than the coolant) so it is trying to escape, but it will cause any coolant in its way to push out as well, you should see bubbles coming out of the car as well as the fluid. So thats why its coming out when the car is off. Id keep cycling the motor on and off until this stops happening. It may take a while, but like my dad says, I've got more time than money."

When you turn the car on the system is trying to pressurize so it will come out regardless so dont worry about that.


More Drama:

So, I got the air out (I think) and I was takin my neighbor for a ride when an indicator light came on. I have no idea what this light is, and it wasn't in the book... It' on the far left side of the dash, right next to the temp guage. I looks kinda like an air filter...Well, the light comes on and my buddy says, hey let's go up the road to Auto Zone and look at the book. We get to auto zone, and the car is smokin (smells like coolant) and leakin from underneath. The liquid is yellow. Don't know what that is. Talk to a counter guy, he comes out and says the transmission's leakin, but he'll buy the car for $1000. I think he's Full of S**t. The car has and still shifts fine, and if I'm not mistaken, tranny fluid is RED.
I get the car home, it it's still smokin and leaking, I popp the hood and the coolant holder is much lower than when we filled it yesterday. Also, there's a hissing noise comin from the engine twords the cabin steam/smoke and the smell of coolant. The car is not overheating, though. The temp guage reads normal, the radiator is fine.
I'm thinkin it's a hose somewhere. Any other thoughts???



Aug 10, 2005
you are in denial .
and btw the stock temp gauge is crap once it gets enough heat to force it to 3/4 it's too late you may be warpping the head . you keep saying " but it's not overheating"
-- it is over heating . the more you drive it the worse you are making it . and you will continue to blow hoses as each of the 20 yr old hoses gets tested for high temp endurance . water is sitting on the block between the head and the block and causing damage .
the gauge you are tallking about is the " you are low on coolant in the reserve bottle up front " light .
you know where my money is on for this bet