mk3forme;988553 said:
Thanks for all the replies guys. I glad to see I have some real pros in here giving me advice. IJ you are correct once again. Go figure! lol Tracy I was going to call you yesterday but got working on other things and it was late. I tried bleeding the master after I found a bleed kit at O-reillys. I didnt think that would work as I never could get to the point where there were no more bubbles. I would pump and pump with nothing, and then out of no where more bubbles. Put it back together, bleed the lines, and it drove well at first. But down the street from my house the symptoms returned. And on the hill at my house was even more obvious. oh and thanks for taking the last one in town. Did Hightech do yours or did you?? Thanks again everyone for all the advice!!!
So did you need a new booster too?
My Dad and I put in the rebuilt MC. Hi-Tech guys stayed late Friday trying to bleed the lines, not totally convinced it was a bad MC. Had lots of fun driving it home, it was bad. Dad rode with me for 5 mins, and explained to me that one of the MC pistons was allowing fluid to escape, causing the car to drift forward while sitting at a stoplight. In a sense, I was losing half my brakes. Tap the brakes, the pistons reset, and I had full stopping power again. But whats weird is that same thing happened after you put the new rotors and pads on my car. But it only happened twice.
The bleed kit that came with my rebuild was a piece of crap. It was threaded wrong, so air would sneak in during the bench bleed. We had to really tighten one down to get it to stop sucking air into the MC.
The Napa guy probably had the wrong car model. I think the conversation went something like this:
"I need a brake MC for a 90 toyota supra"
"What size engine?"
"There's only one size engine, its a turbo"
"What model was that, Tercel?"
"NO, s-u-p-e-r-A"
Turbo tercel ?