I have the Synchronic valve, I haven't had it long but it works great so far. It reacts fast and seems to flow quite a bit. Like stated earlier, the valve is open under pretty much any vacuum condition, which is a problem if you dont put a filter on it or recirculate it. On an AFM system it will definately have issues under normal driving. They make an "Anti-stall valve" for it that you can buy, it is basically a check valve that lets air out but not in, but that still wont keep an AFM car from having problems when shifting. If you simply recirculate it, or put a filter or anti stall valve on it with a MAP system, there's no issues at all.
I should also add that because vacuum opens the valve, and it is a pull type valve, even at very very low boost the valve will release air upon releasing the throttle with no surge or turbo flutter whatsoever, but at the same time remains completely sealed under high boost.
I should also add that because vacuum opens the valve, and it is a pull type valve, even at very very low boost the valve will release air upon releasing the throttle with no surge or turbo flutter whatsoever, but at the same time remains completely sealed under high boost.
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