can someone tell me what the advantages and disadvantages of recirculating your aftermarket BOV? i have an HKS SSQV and im just wondering if i should or need to recirculate it. thanks
mkiii88supra said:yeah but wouldnt tuning it with an S-AFC get rid of that richness?
rakkasan said:Yes it's used to adjust your fuel, but you can't compensate for venting to atmosphere with a SAFC. When you vent to atmosphere, you're losing air that the ECU thinks is there, so your ECU is still going to add the fuel for the air that was lost.
diy guy said:^ yeah you can, only not for karman type meters that use frequency vs voltage output.
maf sensors also meter air before the turbo but the rich stumble can be corrected via safc by telling it to clamp the maf output voltage to a non rich condition when "x" -deltaThrottle is applied.
map sensors eliminate the problem altogeher.