mike86supra;1465789 said:nice supra! what kind of front bumper is that?
I'll be there.radiod;1465653 said:Very much looking forward to seeing it around sometimeI'll have to catch you at a meet or down at the track in the summer. Please tell me you're going to bring her to the track
Hey, I raced the other car last summer. You even took video of it, with my camera no less! I'll race this one, too... why not?upgradedsupra;1465656 said:^ Dave may bring to the track, but doubt it. He never went to the track with his other built engine Supra. Actually, he went once and had snow tires on it. lol :biglaugh:
It runs *better* than it looks.green;1465667 said:the car is stunning nice buy im still new to the SM site so i dont know who drifiter is(sorry) but props to him the car looks awesome and im assuming that the car runs as good as it looks. Great buy and congrats on the new mk3
Never you mind how much I paid for it. Now that I own it, you can have it for a measly $50k. Until I finish up all the little things, then it's going up to $65k. Unless I'm feeling grumpy, or I don't like you, then it'll be even higher! :icon_razzMK3.0dudeman;1465777 said:sweet!!
I love this car and loves how it sounds!!
I knew it was this car from the first pic
so I have to ask how much was it??
Nah, not yet anyway... the interior needs some love yet. It's not bad by any stretch, but just think of a regular Supra with a bunch of extra gauges in the center console and Recaro seats.Clip;1465784 said:wow. interior pics?
I already took those timeslips out of the car. I'm sure those are better than I'll get. Well, unless I bite the bullet, pick up some slicks and get the launch control working!!!upgradedsupra;1465824 said:How about this! Dave, you have some low boost time slips when you bought the car but are not allowed to pass them off as your own, sorry, you have to drive it yourself. :biglaugh:
Well, at least you haven't abandoned us entirely! I'll point out to the rest of the crew that before I bought it, I spent hours on the phone and on IM trying to convince you to keep it. I thought I'd succeeded, too, for what, about 3 months? Failing that, I made sure it went to a good home.Turbo Drifter;1465858 said:WOW still getting over the shock of letting this car go. I have so many great friends I have met with it and memory's with it.
It was the hardest decision I have ever made, more so than buying a house for the first time.
Kind of feel like I have lost a big part of myself, but knowing its gone to a good Supra home has made it easier.
Dave hope you enjoy it and set it to high boost at least some times.
p.s. Thanks for the "thanks for building me my car" comment good virtual kick to the nuts LOL
GrimJack;1465962 said:Well, at least you haven't abandoned us entirely! I'll point out to the rest of the crew that before I bought it, I spent hours on the phone and on IM trying to convince you to keep it. I thought I'd succeeded, too, for what, about 3 months? Failing that, I made sure it went to a good home.
I'll also say that buying the house is the right choice. I've made more money on my house in the last 8 years than I have at my day job, and this isn't exactly the best economy we've seen, either.
When it comes to high boost...To be honest, I'll probably get it there and leave it there all the time. I won't use all that power every day, but once I put some really sticky rubber on there and the weather gets warmer, I'll use it now and then. Plus I drive to the interior several times a year for vacations, and there are some really sweet empty roads on the way there and back. I've had some real fun with my other car, I'm sure I'll have some more with this one.
Sorry about the 'Thanks for building my car' comment. Hopefully that'll age into a bittersweet memory with time!!!
Can't hurt to check. I've driven this to work a couple days now, and I think I get happier each time I sit in it.Jayhall;1466064 said:huh, im shocked. I would have thrown my car to the curb and sold both my nuts if I would have know that it was for sale. Sorry to hear you had to sell it Jeremy. On the other hand congrats on the purchase Dave. Im jelous. And I want the wheels, but it looks like they will be long gone. I might check in with you after I get my xmas bonus, just to double check they arnt still for sale.
I say we all go for a cruise to the interior once the road thaws out.
im still shocked by this...
lol - no way, if Toyota had put it in there, you'd see a lot more misc nonsense littering the engine bay! Another turbo, first of all...SupraRon;1466165 said:Beautiful MKIII. The 2J sits in there like it was meant to be from the factory. I'm so jealous.