Adjuster said:Well, if you look at the gears, the 5th gear is just slightly different on the Taco truck, than the Supra. It would lower the engine RPM slightly, and possibly give you better cruise fuel economy, but the cost of the gears v/s the cost of the gas your going to save was minimal in the final breakdown. (About 250.00 for the gears, and no firm data on how much fuel I'd have saved over the stock gears, so I decided not to change over 5th gear.)
Larger or bettter synchro's would be very nice. (My R154 is like new. New second gears, and all new bearings, synchro's, thrust washer etc. And I coated many of the parts like the cases, bushing and thrust washer.) It still shifts hard into gears however.But I know that it's like new. (And I'm using a C's shifter, so I think that is part of the hard shifting problem, I really do not like the C's actually. It looks great, and it is a short shifter, but you need that leverage the stock one has to shift the R154, especially when it's new.)
Yeah, I don't think it'd be worth it for me.
Did you rebuild your trans yourself? I'm trying to decide if I want to buy a press right now.
How long since your trans was rebuilt? I hear synchros need to wear in before it'll shift nice.