Just dynoed my car..
- In Ground Mustang Dyno..
Setup is. .
-2JZGE (NA) bottom end STOCK
-Borg Warner S360 turbo .91A/R
-Twin TurboSmart 38mm WG's
-Ebay divided T4 mani modified for FULL divided actionez.
-Stock JZX90 MT ecu
-Apexi S-AFC
-440cc JDM 2JZGTE inj.
-JDM 2JZGTE MAP sensor. .
-Super Cool SERIALNINE everything (cooling system/breather system etc etc.. )
-11lbs of boost. . Stock Fuel cut @ 13ish lbs(took out my FCD cuz it was ancient and suspicious. . . kept crapping out and shit. . )
-367lb/ft of torque, 347 hp
-This is the killer. . over 300lb/ft or torque from 3000-5500RPM. . Peaking @ 4300RPM. . Gyeah..
-Any higher and the boost ramps up too quick to catch it before slight boost cut. .
-Ordered Greddy BCC and will retune for 18lbs and up upon arrival..
-Boost is quick. . . makes
10PSI by 3000RPM < edit read the graph wrong DUH!
-It is faster and Quicker in EVERY WAY over the 1J. .
-Cant wait to drive it on the track. . it makes nice smoke trails. .
Will scan graph later..
Got those graphs.
Couple of things..
-It only goes to 6200rpm cuz it obviously wasnt making any more power after that . .
-The dip got tuned out later and the accompanying dip in the torque went away as well.
This is Raw and unsmoothed. . (peak numbers on this one )
This is smoothed out
This one is boost vs power/torque. . You can see how quick this turbo spools up and the amount of torque I have at a lowly 3000RPM all the way up to around 5700 rpm. .. .
This one is boost vs power/rpm. . Makes 10lbs by 3300RPM and full boost by 4000RPM
Future plans for the motor obviously are a Greddy BCC so I can boost it a bit higher. . Prolly somewhere around 19lbs or so. . I think Cams are also in the future. . I like the torque now. . It'd be nice to extend the torqueband further. . Im thinking HP will climb easily with boost. . But so far all the theories I had building this thing worked out . . and My goals have ALMOST been realized at only 11lbs of boost. . . . There really is NO replacement for Displacement. .
Anyways.. Today was fuckin Awesome. . Did some pulls on the dyno yesterday. .I was ACTUALLY working so the guys in the shop were doin it for me. ... bumped up the boost some. . ran out of time. . tuning the fucking E-boost (god damn electronic boost controllers are complicated) But made some good numbers. . 403HP/449tq @ an average of like 17ish lbs I guess.. it peaked to 19.25. . prolly where the 449 is. . anyways.. Here r some pics of sai'd numbers and a few pics form the other night when Eric and I bombed around DT. .
Will post smooth graph later. . Mustang graph looks like epilepsy scribble. .
At this power level its REally fun to drive. . no need to clutch kick. . . 3rd goin straight just press right pedal all the way down over 3300 rpm and lay two patches. . . The new ECU with 8000 RPM redline is amazing. . the car sounds retarded up high. . Need to play with the boost controller a little to fine tune the boost and power delivery. . street tuning is the way to go . .. AFTER tuning on the dyno.. tonight when it was real cold outside car was overboosting. . hitting the boost limiter in the controller. . and im not yet profficient @ said E-boost to fix on the go. . so in some of the vids.. 4th was crapping out. . (GAY) but yes . . .. Its quite enjoyable. . I was pretty much doin this ALL day. .







