My boost gauge is reading lower than I believe it should, even though the car has plenty of power. So I did some calculations but the numbers still don't match. Here's what I'm thinking:
- Stock boost (manual) = 6.8 psi
First question. Does this 6.8 number mean boost pressure above ambient air pressure at sea level? I'm assuming yes...
- My gauge is reporting 4.4 psi (actually 220 torr, metric gauge)
- I'm at 1140 meters above sea level, so the air pressure here is ~12.8 psi as opposed to 14.7 psi at sea level.
Second question. Does this math make sense?: 6.8 psi / 14.7 psi * 12.8 psi = 5.92 psi
If so, then my turbo should be making 5.92 psi above ambient, and that pressure should be reflected on the gauge.
Why is it reading 4.4 as opposed to 5.92? What am I missing here? I am fairly sure I am making the boost I should be... it's just not reflected by the gauge.
- Stock boost (manual) = 6.8 psi
First question. Does this 6.8 number mean boost pressure above ambient air pressure at sea level? I'm assuming yes...
- My gauge is reporting 4.4 psi (actually 220 torr, metric gauge)
- I'm at 1140 meters above sea level, so the air pressure here is ~12.8 psi as opposed to 14.7 psi at sea level.
Second question. Does this math make sense?: 6.8 psi / 14.7 psi * 12.8 psi = 5.92 psi
If so, then my turbo should be making 5.92 psi above ambient, and that pressure should be reflected on the gauge.
Why is it reading 4.4 as opposed to 5.92? What am I missing here? I am fairly sure I am making the boost I should be... it's just not reflected by the gauge.