When you tourqe a bolt, you have to overcome the friction of the threads, the washer and the pads where the bolt touches the washer.
More importantly, where the threads engage in the metal in the block, the force on each thread is not even, and some threads are stressed while others are under minimal pressure by comparison.
With a stud, the nut at the top applies force to the stud, pulling it up against all the threads more evenly, and while you still have the friction of the nut and washer to deal with, you can moly lube them easy, and control that better too.
The short story is studs generally provide a more even clamping force on the head than bolts, and that is really what you want. (And you can apply more of that clamping force with studs, so it's the double advantage in my book.)
What is the price difference? Like 20.00 right? Get the studs.