Blown head gasket!?!?!???


New Member
Ok well I blew my heas gasket along with my water pump and a few of my coolant hoses on a road trip, I put some bars head gasket fix in it to get it to a safe place. I'm about 400 miles from home and pretty broke. I can get all the parts I need pretty cheap but I'm worried about the chances I cracked my Block/head. How Often dose the head warp when the gasket blows on the 7m? It runs but I know I have a fouled plug now cuz I have a miss fire and it smells rich. The bars stopped the smoke tho. Any help? runs

New Member
Aug 15, 2011
I drove on a BHG a whole summer. Kept replacing cooling parts hoping for the best. After a whole summer of overheating at idle/stoplights and boiling over the overflow, I did the head gasket. Thank God that head wasn't warped. From the sounds of it, you're entire cooling system spontaniously combusted. lol I'm sorry to hear that man. Sometimes you just gotta laugh it off.