Bite the pillow, Xbox fans. Microsoft's going in without lube.


Active Member
Mar 30, 2005

Saints Row Dev: Xbox 720 Used Game Ban 'Fantastic'
Consumers 'will grow to understand.'
February 6, 2012

Last month, rumors began circulating that the next Xbox will block the play of used games. Saints Row: The Third designer Jameson Durall has spoken out about the rumor, calling the idea "fantastic."

In a blog post on #AltDevBlogADay, Durall writes, "Personally I think this would be a fantastic change for our business. Even though the consumers would be up in arms about it at first, they will grow to understand why and that it won't kill them."

"The system is already there for Microsoft. All they'd have to do is use the DLC and codes model they have to tie a game to your Xbox live account," Durall continues. "Each retail disc would likely need that unique key somewhere in the code so the account would be able to link it properly. Ideally it would tie a full version to the console it is registered on so family members can play even if the main account isn't signed in."

As far as lending games, Durall notes that Microsoft "could implement something similar to what Amazon is doing with their Kindle Books lending policy."

Don't like it? Vote with your feet (and your wallet).


New Member
Mar 10, 2009
Queens, NY
Uhoh. I am a huge Microsoft fan. I am sure they will implement something to allow used games to be played as that will cause places like GameStop to get pretty angry.

People were calling PS3 a winner in this generation with its stronger CPU but I believe the Xbox has had more titles and developers themselves develop their games on the Xbox and port to the PS3 unless they are exclusives like Metal Gear Solid.


Dec 31, 1969
Richmond, BC, Canada
I've hated the XBitch since it's inception, when it literally stole Halo, which was originally developed for the PC and made it an exclusive XBitch title. I'd *LOVE* to see them shove their foot in their mouth with a move like this... unfortunately, I can't see the guys running the business being dumb enough to back this.

PS: I don't like PS3 / WII much better. I love the way the gaming companies claim they develop for consoles because it helps fight piracy, yet The Pirate Bay has ripped copies of their console games long before the PC versions show up.


Mar 31, 2005
Troy, MI
IBoughtASupra;1815591 said:
People were calling PS3 a winner in this generation with its stronger CPU but I believe the Xbox has had more titles and developers themselves develop their games on the Xbox and port to the PS3 unless they are exclusives like Metal Gear Solid.

Thanks mostly to Microsoft's success with Visual Studio and the fact that 'porting' a game between Windows and XBox is about as easy as it gets, XBox development is just easier for most game companies.

GrimJack;1815620 said:
PS: I don't like PS3 / WII much better. I love the way the gaming companies claim they develop for consoles because it helps fight piracy, yet The Pirate Bay has ripped copies of their console games long before the PC versions show up.

Being able to play said pirated games on a console requires modifying the console in some way/shape/form. For current generation consoles you either have to do tons of research on how to allow your console to play a DVD-R OR pay someone $$$ to modify it for you. Not to mention the risk of having your console black flagged by XBLive or PSN. Downloading and playing a pirated PC game just requires the internet connection to download the game.

Thankfully it's come full circle and a good percentage of the games are available on the PC again.


Occasional Peruser
mkiii222;1815673 said:
Thanks mostly to Microsoft's success with Visual Studio and the fact that 'porting' a game between Windows and XBox is about as easy as it gets, XBox development is just easier for most game companies.

Then I'd say that's on the game developers for using a shit IDE like VS to code their games...esp if they're coded in C# (MS's bastardized language) or any other MS-proprietary language that may exist. They could easily use a different IDE and code in a more universal language (like C or C++, etc.) that will still play easily on MS Hardware/OS/Firmware as well as other non-MS Hardware/OS/Firmware.


Classifieds Moderator
Staff member
Mar 26, 2006
Eh, no skin off my back... yet. I had a homebrewed Xbox back in 2002/2003 sometime, was a lot of fun with all you could do with them. When the 360 came out, I wasn't the least bit impressed (they're still not as cool as what you can do with an original Xbox), so I never bought one.

This sort of policy is like shooting yourself in the foot to satisfy an itch. I buy most of my games used, because most of what I buy is either hard to come by (limited production), or just plain not made anymore (old school PS1/cartridge games). Oh well, not like I have much time to play games these days anyway, but still, this is bang-your-head-against-a-wall stupid of M$.


WTF did he just wright ?
Aug 5, 2005
Victoria BC
this is why I like my ps3

paying extra just to play on line is just stuiped and I don't care if it only this or that to play I wana play for free.

pc's were cool back in the ps1 era because they were so much better and diffrent and just down right vastly better in gfx and sound

now pc's are just well ported junk that are just abit higher rez and not crazy light and day diffrances

once the new gen console systems come out pc's will yet again get kick in the teeth

but I will truly miss the dail up era and games such as interstate 76,doom,warcartft,rainbow six,c&c ect and the intro to cable modems and quake 3 all that


Active Member
Nov 23, 2006
Easton, Ma
NashMan;1815808 said:
this is why I like my ps3

paying extra just to play on line is just stuiped and I don't care if it only this or that to play I wana play for free.

pc's were cool back in the ps1 era because they were so much better and diffrent and just down right vastly better in gfx and sound

now pc's are just well ported junk that are just abit higher rez and not crazy light and day diffrances

once the new gen console systems come out pc's will yet again get kick in the teeth

but I will truly miss the dail up era and games such as interstate 76,doom,warcartft,rainbow six,c&c ect and the intro to cable modems and quake 3 all that
c&c ftw!!!
Oct 11, 2005
Thousand Oaks, CA
VS Express is free, cannot get much cheaper than that. AVR bundles VS with their gnu compiler, and I always enjoy using it now. It's the open source stuff these days that's bloated.


Occasional Peruser
I've always liked Dev C++, followed by Netbeans. I will admit though, that my IDE exposure is limited to those two and VS for school....well, and Freescale's Code Warrior (not a fan of that one either) and the Arduino IDE...but those two are a different animal as far as I'm concerned.


Classifieds Moderator
Staff member
Mar 26, 2006
NashMan;1815808 said:
this is why I like my ps3

paying extra just to play on line is just stuiped and I don't care if it only this or that to play I wana play for free.

pc's were cool back in the ps1 era because they were so much better and diffrent and just down right vastly better in gfx and sound

now pc's are just well ported junk that are just abit higher rez and not crazy light and day diffrances

once the new gen console systems come out pc's will yet again get kick in the teeth

but I will truly miss the dail up era and games such as interstate 76,doom,warcartft,rainbow six,c&c ect and the intro to cable modems and quake 3 all that
Lots of things were better in the PS1 era Nash. I miss the dial-up era, but I sure as hell don't miss the dial-up. :p

For me, PC gaming isn't a bad thing, but given the price it costs to play, it's not better by enough of a margin over modern consoles. Plus getting things worked out to get the game to play smoothly seems like an adventure in it's own right... no thanks, I'll stick to Doom, Worms, YDKJ, etc. :)


Lurk R
Apr 5, 2005
Calgary/Brooks, Alberta Canada
First up, this wont actually happen, this is money hungry moron who has no idea how much this will actually affect sales. Used games get bought and played cause their cheap and people normally wouldnt have bought full price to begin with. This is only being supported on a publisher basis (Marketing degree people who know more about textbook marketing then the merchandise itself), no developer actually cares about the 5% percent loss in sales used games might create, not to mention, if all it takes is a cheap older game to soldify that gamers interest in future titles, its cheap advertising.

I wouldnt be to hard on MS on this issue. Sony is already pushing their version of this on the PS3 currently. Their 'Sony Online Pass' which requires a code from a brand new copy to play any game labelled with that online in anyway. Whether that be Multiplayer or just Online Co-op. There are already developers refusing to support this because they realize how this damages fanbase and can kill the online community, many people will buy the DLC packs with the bucks saved not buying it right when it was new when no DLC was around to begin with.

I guess publishers forgot that we are in a recession, people will save a few bucks on games when bills and groceries need to be paid for. They need to expect a slight drop in profits, everybody else has. They should be happy, video games are suprisingly recession proof considering how frivalous they really are. **EDIT, no more frivalous then TV service or movie tickets, i might add.
Last edited:


Classifieds Moderator
Staff member
Mar 26, 2006
NecroCyde;1816221 said:
First up, this wont actually happen, this is money hungry moron who has no idea how much this will actually affect sales. Used games get bought and played cause their cheap and people normally wouldnt have bought full price to begin with. This is only being supported on a publisher basis (Marketing degree people who know more about textbook marketing then the merchandise itself), no developer actually cares about the 5% percent loss in sales used games might create, not to mention, if all it takes is a cheap older game to soldify that gamers interest in future titles, its cheap advertising.

I wouldnt be to hard on MS on this issue. Sony is already pushing their version of this on the PS3 currently. Their 'Sony Online Pass' which requires a code from a brand new copy to play any game labelled with that online in anyway. Whether that be Multiplayer or just Online Co-op. There are already developers refusing to support this because they realize how this damages fanbase and can kill the online community, many people will buy the DLC packs with the bucks saved not buying it right when it was new when no DLC was around to begin with.
Personally, I refuse to pay more than $20-30 for the majority of games that have come out in the last few years. I can pick them up (new) a year or so later (not like I'm hurting for stuff to do, I can wait), and I get them at half or less, and often with extra DLC. The benefit to play early has greatly diminished for me over the years.

Also, that 'online pass' that developers have started including is a bunch of bullshit if you ask me.


O help me, Oprah Winfrey!
Nov 7, 2008
Prescott Valley, AZ
I'm guessing by 2025 you won't see a gamestop anywhere kinda like blockbuster is on its way out... No one will be buying disk it will all be downloaded for movies shows and games. By 2035 kids will laugh about cds the way they do about vhs now these days its old and unneeded. by that time everyone will be plugged into the internet like slaves having there whole life tracked. I wouldn't be surprise if more companies push free shit like facebook. Fun fact for online sites like facebook, dating sites, pandora, etc. where you just have to plug in your information and they will give you a ”free service”... You are the product being advertised to a buyer. Hum well I got off topic but ya every console will be dropping disk here soon enough. Netflix is on the right path as long as they don't turn into hulu and there over advertising ass. Consoles will follow suit