well as they say with most out of the ordianry projects, the hardest part is getting through the nay-sayers. Turbos - Been there, done that. 300hp NA 7m - Never been
Lol. I want an NA motor because I dont want a turbo motor. Not cause of any specific reason, just cause I like NA motors. Boost is fun, but I dont have much of a taste for it. But yeah....270-300 will be my eventual goal. Im definatley gona get one of the most badass head jobs possible, Plus if its a stroked, bumped compression motor, that should already put me about 270 hp with massive all RPM torque. Plus If it goes into a 2800 lb mk2 chassis, Id be haulin ass. Im not after a total hot rod, just somethign fun, quick, and reliable. Plus i want something I can cruise around at the classis car events in, and I dont think a mk3 would cut it. A mk2 would fit in fine though!