So I was waiting to get new tires put on my car today and while i was standing in the staging area gettin my marlboro on i happened to notice i was leaking coolant!!!!! I immediately ran over to the car popped the hood and checked my overflow tank, it was at the full line just like normal and wasn't bubbling so i was eh she's fine. well anyway tires got put on the car and off i went welllll i get down the road about 5 miles and am pulling into wal-mart when all of a sudden i have white smoke billowing out of my hood!!!! parked, popped the hood my overflow tank was not bubbling and still at the full line, upon further inspection i noticed that all the steam was coming from the top of the radiator about an inch or two to the right of the cap. I let the car cool down completely, then started it back up, added a bottle of wal-marts finest stop-leak and about a gallon and a half of water. I must also state that the needle on the factory temp gauge always sits directly in the middle of the gauge and never once did it move from this position while all this happened. anyway i left wal-mart with my fingers crossed and drove the 40 mile drive home. my 89 n/a 5-speed has 233,000 miles, the engine was totally overhauled at 215,000, but i believe the radiator is factory. I will be replacing the radiator this weekend to rule that problem out. I dont want to be in BHGD so my question is how and what chemicals do i use to do a homemade leakdown test