I have no idea what you're talking about Frank. My comment was directed at the OP. I also have nothing to do with how halochromic PH indicators work. They do what they do. I've tested lots of engines that came out green and not one had a BHG.
I should have said coolant instead of antifreeze. PH out of the bottle depends on the anti-corrosion chemistry but every EG based OAT/HOAT formulation I've seen ends up base as coolant. One flavor (there are several) of Glacelf is an example of near neutral but base when diluted. Some inorganic formulations like Prestone come out close to neutral too. Hell, the Glysantin formulation I use pours out at 6.5 but is over 10 in the engine. That's why you ended up testing blue. which indicates a PH over 7. If coolant was supposed to stay 7 or below why do the kit makers choose the indicator they do and say blue means good? Duh
When using the kit "green" can be subjective. Anyway, if your coolant tested out neutral (since BB is a narrow range indicator there can be varying shades of green) I suppose it could've meant you had a very *tiny* combustion leak that shifted the coolant slightly acidic, down towards neutral, but riddle me this: if your gasket was so obviously blown why didn't the fluid turn yellow? Maybe you should have tested the coolant before into went in the engine. Maybe it was that Polish water.
I thought you worked on diesels? I dunno which kit you were using but the better ones employ a different indicator for testing diesel coolant and, as you must know, the demands on coolant in a diesel are far different than in gas engines. Cavitation erosion of the liners for example, the reason diesel coolant requires SCAs.
That said the kit Napa sells is one of the biggest scams out there. Not only does it cost twice as much as some others but it's an antiquated single chamber design known to give false results. As for Prestone ask anyone familiar with coolants where it falls on the quality scale. For the same money you could get better chemistry. Considering the problems you seem to have with your system you might want to consider changing.
Btw I normally stay out of these threads because each HG failure mode has a very specific set of symptoms that do not match anything else and are easy to test for, yet many here treat diagnosing them as pure ooga-booga. It's a never-ending source of amusement.