I know that BHG threads have been done to death on here, I have searched but I'd still like a bit of input for you guys please if possible
Long story short I bought a 91 NA that someone had been using as a drift car. The car has been used pretty hard, but was sold as being a good runner. When checking the car out I did notice a small bit of mayo on the oil cap, but then the car noticeably hadn't been driven for a long time. On the test drive the car behaved wonderfully, temp gauge read bang on the middle, I was happy enough to hand my money over and drive it home.
It was brilliant on the 2 and a half freeway journey home but as soon as I hit traffic in the city the temp gauge began to act weird. It'd build upto about 3/4 way up the scale and then drop again as soon as I got moving a bit. I pulled the the side of the road thinking the worse, attempted to open the rad cap and had coolant explode out where I just couldn't release the pressure as smoothly as I would have liked.
Now, either I lost a CRAP load of coolant on the freeway or most of the coolant had escaped the system when I took off the rad cap because I had to put in about a gallon and a half of water before the system was filled. The previous owner had mentioned that he suspected there may be an air lock in the cooling system (in hindsight that should have been a warning :3d_frown
I bled the system as best I could at the side of the road.
Since then the car has been great. I drove it really, really hard the night I had the overheating drama and it didn't overheat whatsoever. A tiny bit of coolant loss, but I'm sure that could be explained by the cooling system balancing itself out via the overflow? I don't have an excessive amount of white smoke from the engine, no misfires, the car pulls well, etc. I ran the engine today with the rad cap off, no bubbles in the coolant at idle. However when I rev the engine the coolant level drops and then bubbles over the filler neck. I also noticed after a while that although there were no bubbles coolant was slowly but surely over flowing out of the filler neck - Is this a sign of the compression of the engine slowly forcing the coolant out of the radiator?
Long story short I bought a 91 NA that someone had been using as a drift car. The car has been used pretty hard, but was sold as being a good runner. When checking the car out I did notice a small bit of mayo on the oil cap, but then the car noticeably hadn't been driven for a long time. On the test drive the car behaved wonderfully, temp gauge read bang on the middle, I was happy enough to hand my money over and drive it home.
It was brilliant on the 2 and a half freeway journey home but as soon as I hit traffic in the city the temp gauge began to act weird. It'd build upto about 3/4 way up the scale and then drop again as soon as I got moving a bit. I pulled the the side of the road thinking the worse, attempted to open the rad cap and had coolant explode out where I just couldn't release the pressure as smoothly as I would have liked.
Now, either I lost a CRAP load of coolant on the freeway or most of the coolant had escaped the system when I took off the rad cap because I had to put in about a gallon and a half of water before the system was filled. The previous owner had mentioned that he suspected there may be an air lock in the cooling system (in hindsight that should have been a warning :3d_frown
Since then the car has been great. I drove it really, really hard the night I had the overheating drama and it didn't overheat whatsoever. A tiny bit of coolant loss, but I'm sure that could be explained by the cooling system balancing itself out via the overflow? I don't have an excessive amount of white smoke from the engine, no misfires, the car pulls well, etc. I ran the engine today with the rad cap off, no bubbles in the coolant at idle. However when I rev the engine the coolant level drops and then bubbles over the filler neck. I also noticed after a while that although there were no bubbles coolant was slowly but surely over flowing out of the filler neck - Is this a sign of the compression of the engine slowly forcing the coolant out of the radiator?