2543arvin;1722127 said:
I have the AEM Wideband and dont have any problems with it. But I think youre gonna find that everyone will be a little biased with their recommendations. Most people will only have used 1 wideband (including myself) and can only speak on their experience with it. I like the AEM, but like Im saying, its the only one I have used, so I dont have anything to compare it to. Youre best bet IMO, would be to talk to who will be doing your tuning and see which they prefer and why. If they are unfamiliar with the unit, it doesnt matter what you buy, your results will be less than your expectations.
Wise words.
In MY experience (been AROUND others, observed their function and aesthetic, but like many, other than the narrowband I also use... have only used the AFX) the AFX unit is a good unit for the following characteristics which I have noted:
- BRIGHT and EASY TO READ!!! (Almost TOO bright in anything but broad daylight... but WORKS GREAT in daylight is a real plus!)
- HOLDS CALIBRATION (incredibly well for LONG durations through multiple cycles - street use in my case)
- COUNTDOWN (20 second countdown "clock" while element preheats. This feature is VERY COOL, PRACTICAL and the KIDS and passengers LOVE IT!:biglaugh

- QUALITY CONSTRUCTION (Both the sensor, cable and sheath, coupler and main housing. It's all high-grade stuff.)
- PRACTICAL (Being so easy to read... and showing the a/f in the form of 00.00 digital display... it's really easy to know where you are at and work toward your target.)
Slight "weakness":
As mentioned above, the "refresh rate" during real-time operation is somewhat "latent", and it also tends to "jump in increments" or not "scroll" through the number sequence, but jerk to a number and hold it for a moment and make another jump. Like a "sampling rate" thing. Less pronounced when idle/mixture or throttle/ratio is stable, and erratic when in throttle/fuel ratio transition. Very minor annoyance, and I only thought of it as an annoyance because of the other comment...
There are likely other things to consider, but those come right off the top of my head. I also like how it was an easy mount for me, and I further like the "box" type shape! (Fits with my HKS components theme...)
In the end, it's mostly up to personal preference and budget.