1. If you are trying to transfer the music FROM your ipod to your computer, contrary to popular belief, you do not have to buy software to accomplish this:
Go to file/folder options in control panel and select "show hidden files".
Go to my computer (screen should show icons representing hard drive and other drives)
Plug the ipod in to the USB/Firewire port. DO NOT do anything when the system asks you if you want to sync the Ipod to this music library - just leave the dialog box on the screen.
An icon representing the Ipod should now be in the My computer window (if it is not, repeat the previous steps until you can "catch" it.
Click on the Ipod icon. Click on the Ipod Control folder. Your music will be stored in files name "F1, F2 , etc." or something similar depending on your exact setup.
You cannot drag and drop these folders directly into the iTunes library, you need to go into each folder, highlight a group of songs and then drop. Sometimes if you select too many songs the copying will not take place. Keep an eye on the bottom of the iTunes library to make sure that after you drop the tunes they are counted. You can usually drag and drop about 40 at a time.
The other option is copying all of the "F1, F2, etc." files into a new folder on your hard drive and then prompt Itunes to go get the files - but this requires some programming...