Best torrent site thread


Fastest mk3 GT4 1/4 mile!
Jan 7, 2006
Humboldt County
bboyRITUS said:
well i never used mininova, ever. untill about a month ago. i downloaded along came polly dvd rip. then POW! ISP punch to the face, i have no internet, had to call and lie about my wireless internet being unprotected and pretending i didnt know what a router is, asking stupid questions like me

so basically you pirated stuff and your ISP caught you?

do you always have to be careful with that? I have SBC should I worry? well...I'm worried already....haha. but seriously...uh... i'm kinda unaware of whatever happened to you...and i'd like to know more.


New Member
Sep 6, 2007
Okay I really have no idea about bit torrents about all I know about them is something gets split into several sections and it then sends out a diffrent section to a diffrent person and so on so a 4 section item will go out to 4 diffrent leachers minus the seeder. so after that is all done there would be 5 people that would have it in a shorter and faster time then if it went 1 section to each person.

If someone could help me with what I would need to d please pm me:1zhelp:


I play with fire
Jul 22, 2006
Fort Worth, TX
instead of downloading one HUGE part from one person, it downloads many small parts from tons of people at the same time...

a well setup bittorrent client will max your bandwidth if your ISP doesn't throttle you...


Freeway Foreplay
May 11, 2006
c-ville, Utah
you don't get in trouble for downloading... you can get in trouble for uploading and seeding, If you have a client that won't upload your ISP cannot tell the difference, all they see is a download they don't know if its legal or illegal.

I am at a college that strictly monitors and can permanently deny internet to anyone that gets caught..... I have downloaded about 100 Gigs in the past 4 months.... NO UPLOAD!

Also: if you want the best torrents and new releases visit
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I play with fire
Jul 22, 2006
Fort Worth, TX
that's called leeching and it will get you banned from most trackers... but first off they'll throttle you down to almost nothing...


Occasional Peruser
boostadikt said:
you don't get in trouble for downloading... you can get in trouble for uploading and seeding, If you have a client that won't upload your ISP cannot tell the difference, all they see is a download they don't know if its legal or illegal.

I am at a college that strictly monitors and can permanently deny internet to anyone that gets caught..... I have downloaded about 100 Gigs in the past 4 months.... NO UPLOAD!

Also: if you want the best torrents and new releases visit

Actually, that's not true. When I got flagged at my Mom's back in May (she has Commie-cast), I was d/l-ing several files, but only one got flagged....and it said what it was and why it was flagged....was a movie BTW. Most of the other d/l's I was pulling down were movies as well, but that one got flagged as 'Copyrighted Material'.


Fastest mk3 GT4 1/4 mile!
Jan 7, 2006
Humboldt County
that's sad...

how do you know it will be back? they just get a new host hopefully?

oh and how do you fake upload? i dont really want to do it since i value good torrent sites and dont think that's fair at ALL, but I'm still very much curious... lol

I havent been into torrents for more than a year so i'm relatively new to the frequency of torrent hosts going down... is this an abnormal amount of legal pressure or are they starting to crack down on this type of thing? It was all well and good when i first started but now, compared to then, it worries me...


Freeway Foreplay
May 11, 2006
c-ville, Utah
Yeah they will probably just get a new Host....... Their tracker still works its just the site that is down

i use a modded Azurues clint for fake up.... I can't real upload because of the college im at....... for much more.