the valentine is a nice detector, IF you like false alerts. that thing has been dubbed, the chicken little of detectors. for me, i'll stick with me bel rx65 with its nice led display.
also, i dont agree with the testing methodology of those guysoflidar dudes. if i was driving around with radar absorbing foam surrounding my detector, then i would listen to them, but the real world is different. a bel can detect radar from 9 miles away. if a valentine can detect from 12 miles, does that make it better? no, they both give you adequate time to react.
you should also try to be realistic about what a detector can actually do for you. in my case, not much. i live in seattle and the local PD dont have the time to sit around writing tickets. infact, i dont think they even carry radar guns in their cars. but they can get you by pacing or just plain estimation. the real problem for me is the state patrol on the freeways. and they use laser. i dont care what detector you have. you get zero warning before you are clocked by laser. if they're legal in your area, you can try a laser jammer, but they're expensive, and im not sure how well they work.
now my parents live in a small city and those county police love their radar. straight line, around a corner, over a hill, it doesnt matter, i see them before they see me.
still, like someone here has already said, its just a tool. not perfect. POP radar can be a danger if you are the only one on the road and laser is always a danger. then theres helicopters/airplanes that can get you and police can simply pace you or even just estimate.