best line to tell a trooper when you get pulled over...


New Member
Apr 2, 2007
I got clocked at 210kph one day and the cop all red faced comes up and screams : Son do you know how fast you were going ?? "
I replied " No Sir I never look down when i'm going that fast " :icon_bigg

I still got a ticket that day but he laughed as he handed it to me and said buddy thats the first time I heard that one and it changed my mood so I wrote it out for 150 kph .. NICE cop !!!! Saved me enough to buy a nice intake :biglaugh:


I'm a sleeper ...
Feb 9, 2007
this always works...

tell the cop you were just going with the flow...... get caught driving alone on the highway.....

in that case...then tell the officer "that's why I was speeding officer to catch up with them...." :icon_bigg

:rofl: serioulsy though, I was stopped once by a local sheriff (female) and she thought I was funny and she let me go with a warning.....


Jan 11, 2006
Alachua, FL
My Uncle was chief of police for Coleman, FL for many years (now chief of Trenton)

My first car was a '77 Trans Am, baby blue, I built a decent (at the time, I thought I was hot shit :3d_frown: ) 400 for it.

I got pulled over one night coming down 301, heading north (if any of you in Florida have been down 301 through Coleman, it's the random 90 degree turn at the light, LOL) Anyway, coming out of Coleman about 2am, and I had my foot buried in it.

It's about a 4-5 mile empty stretch down 468 where I used to live, and I saw some red/blue lights behind me. I go ahead and pull over (I was speeding because I was falling asleep at the wheel, and wanting to get home - figured if I was so out of it that I didn't see a cop, I needed to get pulled over).

Uncle Billy walks around the car, gun drawn on me, and so help me I will never forget these lines -

"JOHN! Goddammit, I should shoot your ass for being so damn stupid! DO you have any idea how fast you were going?!"

I look him dead in the eye and replied "No sir. My speedometer stops at 120mph."

My mom ended up beating the royal shit out of me for that, took my car, and damn near sold it on me.

I would rather have gone to jail and lost my license than deal with my Mom's wrath. :3d_frown:


Oct 2, 2006
kettering ohio
Ive gotten pulled over like 8 times, each with a warning, in the last month or so. None for speeding tho. Just stupid stuff like a front plate and shit.


Leather work expert
Jun 1, 2006
Corvallis OR
Oh my, I have been pulled over so many times, but not in a looooong friggin time. Last time I was pulled over I was giving a neighbor aride in my 73 Celica that I had litterally just pulled out of cold storage from the Central Oregon winter. Speeding down 3rd st in Bend I went from right lane turning right but drifted out to the left lane, (illegal in Oregon, but actually recommended in Cali) I then procceded to speed down Franklin and turned right at the next corner, a corner you can only legally go right, left turns are prohibited. Get back to my house just a block over. As I pulled up in front of my house the cop pulled up behind me.

To shorten an already long story, the young officer proceeded to claim I made an illegal right turn and that the corner is a left turn only. I protested. I told him that while I would never question an offier of the law, I recommended he go double check the intersection. He gave me my tickets and I went inside. 5 minutes later the officer knocked on my door and sheepishly asked for the tickets back. He discovered that indeed I was correct and he had made the mistake. He took all my tickets and told me to slow down.

I havent had a ticket in over 12 years. Either Im incredibly lucky, or I already got my share when I was 19.


Boobs/Boost, my favorite
Jun 13, 2006
Los Angeles
I've never had a ticket, I've always gotten away with warnings..

Just be stupidly honest with them, and usually they're forgiving..

I got pulled over a few weeks ago and the officer asked why my taillights were out, I showed him the "Brake lights from hell" "thread on my Sidekick, and he laughed and let me go...


A HG job took HOW long??
Mar 30, 2005
Victoria, BC, Canada
if your a girl and the cop is a guy, tell the cop its that time of the month, and you are speeding home to get women things. makes the cop squirm apparantly. got my freind out of a ticket becuase the cop was grossed out.

if your a guy, squirm around in your seat and tell him you REALLY need to take a dump, and if he can follow you home and wait until your done...


AKA Slient_sniper
Apr 24, 2006
the one i wanna use when i get pulled over

cop: do your realize how fast you were going

Me:faster then you I had to slow down just so we could talk


ASE and FAA A&P Certified
Mar 31, 2005
Central Idaho
I got pulled over for a license plate light being out in NJ and the cop gave me a $40 ticket - it wasnt required because my car is registered in Idaho.

Funny thing is that I took it to trial.

I won.

The DA was so fucking mad; his face turned really red.


Oct 3, 2006
OneJoeZee said:
How about, "My girlfriend dumped me and ran off with a cop. I thought you were trying to bring her back."

i think i need to write this down, so that when i see those damned lights in my rear view i can quote that.

flight doc89

Registered Murse
Apr 21, 2006
Bessemer, Alabama, United States
I try to just stick with honesty, tell you the truth.

I tried (and failed) to beat a yellow light into a left turn at te bottom of an offramp, ended up going through the light and under the overpass sideways at 40-50 mph (limit 25), 2:30am, only car in sight was a cop, pulled me over, but ended up giving me a warning
"Where you going so fast?" (this is all true btw)
"To work, at the airport" (just a mile down the road)
"The airport is open right now?"
"No sir, I had to leave the dorm for christmas break, so i have to sleep at work because home is more than an hour away and i have to work 32 of the next 40 hours (16on, 8 off, 16 on) and i start my shift in 3 hours"

just got a warning


SF what a waste of supras
Jun 22, 2006
last funny one cop hated me saying.

cop: how fast where you going
me: 120
cop:wow you where going 120 and you just admitied it to me wow....
me 120KMPH
cop: *frown & *disgust *write me the ticket 120kmph

lol dont try it it pisses em off lol


Back in the game!
Jul 16, 2006
i got pulled for going arestably fast in a 65 and got off. lucky for me, i had a cute girl in the passenger side, a ton of ski stuff in the back of my moms car, and i cought a cop who has been up for 2 days going back on shift change. he asked why i was going so fast, i explained that it was my moms car (Taurus), and had a big 6 cyl in it and was so smooth., and that im used to a 4 cyl. when he asked if i had looked at the speedometer, i told him no, because i was keeping an eye on road and that i hardly look at it, just keep around the same speed as the guy in front of me.


7Ms are for Cressidas
Apr 1, 2005
Woodstock, GA
I've never been caught going terribly fast, so anytime I've been pulled over for speeding I have been let off with a warning. I would have spent time in jail if I had been clocked a couple times on gulf coast highway 399 in Florida [more than 3x the limit, and getting close to 4x].
I got pulled over for drifting around a corner. I acted dumb at first like it never happened before and something was wrong so he took my stuff and went back to his car. I got out of my car walked up to his and said actually i was just being dumb and hit the gas too hard.

He came back and said he was 18 once and hes not dumb. Let me go with a warning for being honest.


Join the 92 Owners Group
Jul 11, 2005
Satsuma, Alabama, United States
Here's a funny Cop reply......but not from driving.

I once tool my girlfriend parking down a road that was cut for a new neighborhood, but then deserted. We had to drive through the weeds around a barricade to get in there. One thing led to another, and in the middle of getting my groove on, a car pulled all the way to my bumper and then turned on the lights. In a mad scramble, she got halfway dressed. But when the cop got to my door, I had my shorts draped over my lap. I rolled down the window, and he asked for both our ID's. Next question was "Are you wanted for anything"?????????

Reply....Well...I was! He laughed, and then lectured us. He said what if I was an axe murderer. I said , I'd be a dead ass, cause you damn sure got here by surprise. He laughed, and ran us off.

Back on topic.......I used to drive for a living, and met many a nice officer. Most of these encounters were awarded a warning. I managed this with one simple quetion of my own.

"Please sir, may I have a warning?" If you are nice, and polite, it usually helps. Remember, cops are the good guys.hehe