I'm going through the posts to see where my typo is because this isn't the first time I've been explained something I've already proved I knew (happens to me outside of SM, too):
So I start...
A. Jay;1833165 said:
I think they get balanced to a certain max RPM. So let's say you had a 6.5k redline and your mkiii was auto, the overdrive gear is 0.705:1, so you're looking for a shaft that's balanced to 6500/.705=9219.86 RPM....do I have that right?
Ignore the "shafts get balanced to a certain rpm" part, because I don't know anything about that, let's focus on the ratio stuff. The overdrive in an a340e is 0.705:1...yep, I got that right...and let me recheck my math...9219.86 rpm in fourth gear at 6500 engine rpm, yep, that's correct.
Then Nick...
Nick M;1833397 said:
Think in plain terms if you have to. If the engine is at 6500 rpm, and the output shaft is turning at less than 3/4 the speed of the engine, how would the shaft be spinning faster?
rounded because, for the sake of
his argument (note that I
don't agree with him), any number between 0 and 1 would do.
Then jake8790 corrects him...
jake8790;1833507 said:
Think about it again. In overdrive the input shaft has to spin 0.705 times to spin the output shaft 1 time. The driveshaft spins faster than the engine in overdrive.
and I reply to jake8790...
A. Jay;1834228 said:
...agreeing with him. Then...
A. Jay;1834228 said:
By your logic, the shaft would spin 3 times as fast as the engine in first gear.
I reply to Nick M with a counter-argument, rounding to an interger I picked that was greater than two, in case he still didn't understand what jake8790 and I were saying.
Yea, figgie, help me, 'cause I've been misunderstood and I don't get why that happens to me so often.
figgie;1834263 said:
the none clarity of both of you (Nick M being Ambigous and you replying to his Ambigous statement which without ratio information, should have been called out prior to responding for clarity sake)
Ah, that makes sense. Next time, I promise, and thanks!