Bad Year for Me!..Another Injury!!!


Breaking In - in progress
Mar 30, 2005
Northern California
This year sucks.

Late last year mom died.
Early this year got electrocuted by 480V and fell down a 2 storey height.
My left eye developed an infection due to fiberglass dust my eye closed up on me.
Got my paypal fucked with and my account emptied.

And now today.....sucked....I was looking for something with my left hand on the floor and I was on my knees. I have a weight bench and on each side of the bench there are rods where you can store the weight plates.

Anyway I was looking towards my left side and my right hand was under the weight bench and I had no freaking idea that one of the 45 lb weight plates was coming loose and it fell on the thumb of my right hand. Someone took out the grip lock for the plates.

It happened so far and I did not feel anything. I then looked at my right hand and saw that a portion of my thumb was crushed flat...Flat like paper. It took away most of my nail...Clean cut and minced my flesh. I ran out shocked becuase I thought it would be a cut or small wound like I am always used to.To see my crushed thumb shocked me and I started sweating so much. I lay down and some nearby kids called my fiance. I lay down still sweating and blood flowing and my fiance wet a towel and wiped my face to cool me down and covered my thumb.

I went to the hospital, got x-rays taken and stitches. I dont know why but I hardly felt any pain. The process took like 4-5 hours.

Now the doctor wants me to go back within 3 days to see a plastic surgeon.
I do not think I want to spend money just to make it look pretty. Who cares if my thumb looks abit weird...

Some other shit happened too. Lets just say my fiance's dad is fucking crazy.

Luckily I was a able to fabricate some consoles in the morning and still needs more work.



2J = Here; Swap = Near
Apr 24, 2006
Dallas, TX
please DO NOT post pics

Im sorry that happened, I have to admit that my knees were stuck together, as well as my ass cheeks while I was reading that... im fairly sure my sholders and elbows were higher up in the air than normal as well.

*shakes it off* BURRRRRRRR


Breaking In - in progress
Mar 30, 2005
Northern California
GotTurbos? said:
please DO NOT post pics

Im sorry that happened, I have to admit that my knees were stuck together, as well as my ass cheeks while I was reading that... im fairly sure my sholders and elbows were higher up in the air than normal as well.

*shakes it off* BURRRRRRRR

LOL...I took pictures and they are on my cellphone.
But dont worry I wont post the pics.

After I got back from the hospital everything was okay and I went to see my fiance and heard her dad getting mad at her. At that very moment I started getting mad and all of a sudden the dressing on the thumb got all red. I think when I got mad and my heart raced and this caused more bleeding to start again.

I will not go to work tommorrow and will rest and hopefully try to do some work on the consoles. I will go in to work just to vist my boss and see that things are okay.



XBL: Mkiii DriFt3r
May 22, 2005
honolulu, california

stay strong, its ok if it looks wierd, as long as the people that love dont care. and thats all that matters. just take it easy. and you shouldnt consider yours too bad...i was in the ICU a few years ago for a skull fracture at the base of my death situation, the right side of my head was filled with blood and i had headaches constantly, my eyes were aching and i had to take the pills up the ass dont take it too hard.


Madd Tyte JDM yo ®
Apr 2, 2005
st. pete, fl
damn dude, tahts some fucked up shit. so far, ive seen/had several injuries that required hospital visits.. only about half of which actually GOT hospital visits.

1. Fred, my friend, got the inside of his forearm sliced lengthwise by a rusty DP that i cut. we were pulling the motor/trans out of my 87t parts car. i was lowering the motor/trans onto the legs of the cherry picker. the DP was touching down first as Fred was holding it still. the DP weld broke loose and cut end of it popped up and gashed about 14" down his entire forearm, thru every layer of skin, almost thru the Fascia. you could see the muscle under the fascia since it was like a little bit of webbing holding both edges of the skin together. it didnt bleed much or hurt apparantly. my friend's gf just went to get a pint of Peroxide, gauze and butterfly bandaids and Ace bandage wrap. hes got a nice big scar now. no hospital visit

2. Me, i was working on the same car. i was pulling the coolant bottle out and i had my index and middle finger in the neck of the bottle, thumb on the front side of the bottle trying to pull it out. the bottle unclipped from the bottle mount w/ great force. i smashed my own thumb between the bottle and the flat edge of the metal brace under the nose piece. i cradled my opened thumb as blood begain to ooze. i said "oh fuck" over and over. blood began to ooze faster. i tried to rinse it away, hoping it would stop at some point, it wouldnt. from the moment i put the stream of water on my thumb, till the moment i took it away, i had a river of red water going down my driveway. i ran into the house, held my thumb straight so the wouldnt wouldnt be pulled open, wrapped it in toilet paper, taped it up, and added a splint. it closed up in about a day. i still have a small scar from it. it should have had 3-4 stitches, about 12mm wide. no hospital visit.

3. brandon just bought his 2001 Honda RC51. he was riding down my friends neighborhood, Twelved it at 30mph, the bike went over on its side and he got decent road rash on his right leg, knee, right palm, his right-side hip/waist and right forearm. equivalent to 2nd degree burns, complete w/ embedded sand. went to the hospital for that. sent him home, took quite some time to overcome

4. Me again, i twelved his bike, laid it down and fortunately only dragged my knee. my knee was way worse than brandon's rash. mine looked like hamburger. i could feel it dragging in the gravle of the gutter on his neighborhood road. there was shit stuck in it too. didnt go down to the bone, but it was shitty. theres nerve damage as it occasionally has a burning or itching sensation at randome times. its nice and purple now. for a while, it was healed on the surface but if knelt on it or bumped it, it would have a plasma hematoma below the surface. it was kind of weird. no hospital visit on this one.

5. Brandon again. riding on his neighborhood road again, sand had washed into one of the corners. he was leanng his bike, almost dragging peg about 30mph. he hit the sand, and the bike started to lean more and more. he felt his shoe drag, then his leg and then the bike low-sided. the right side of his calf, his right forearm and his right peck have 1st-2nd degree rash/burn. no hospital visit this time. just more peroxide and ointment w/ gauze.

lol, i hope that makes you feel better that youre not the ONLY one accident prone! theres plenty others out there like yourself. this was ALL from this year too. a couple years ago, i was in the U-pull-it yard, working on a DSM. the hood fell on my head and put a gash in my skull. it was 5pm, walk-in clinics were closing, i had no health insurance. i ended up driving an HOUR with a dirty shop rag pressed to the back of my skull before we went to St. Pete general... from Tampa. they gave me iodine treatment, 3 staples WITHOUT the anesthesia (cuz im fucking hard core!). i got there, filled out the paper work, they admitted me. the Dr looked at it, wiped it out. she asked if i wanted ansthesia, i said "whatever's cheaper". which obviously ended up NO anesthesia! so i just gritted my teeth as she put the staple gun to my wound. CLICK! a flash of pain followed by a hotflash radiating from my head to my feet resulting in a sweat. CLICK! CLICK! same thing over and again. then the attending nurse packed my wound w/ neosporin to slow the bleeding of my 6 new puncture wounds. after it healed, i had my dad bring me sidecuts/dykes for Xmas. he helped me remove my staples rather than go back to the hospital and get charged $800 for 15 minutes.

hope your thumb gets better man!