A new "clunk" sound happen since +-3 weeks and I decided to check what is the fuck this week and...
:: angry :::: angry :::: angry ::
Fucking bad new. one bault of the differential broke and engender that..
Does somebody know if that can be welded? ( I supose no... damn)
And how much time (approx.) that can take to change the subframe, take the stuff on my subframe to tranfert it on a new used one and reinstall it after... ( 10 hours??)

:: angry :::: angry :::: angry ::
Fucking bad new. one bault of the differential broke and engender that..
Does somebody know if that can be welded? ( I supose no... damn)
And how much time (approx.) that can take to change the subframe, take the stuff on my subframe to tranfert it on a new used one and reinstall it after... ( 10 hours??)