Auto Tranny wont shift into 1st or 2nd gear while in "D"


New Member
Dec 8, 2010
ALRIGHT it as taken me months to find some one with the same car with the same problem!

I got the same thing diagnosed to be error 62 and 63

now what makes me think they are not broken is the fact that i drove the car for about an hour on the freeway and i guess it got the old fluid hot enough to have them work... I'm guessing the solenoids are sticky... i got a tranny flush done but i have to change out the filter myself. i was wondering after reading this how you check if the solenoid is actually working with the pan out. i imagine turning my car on and shifting will result in a big mess and a huge problem. i was reading about hearing the solenoid "click" soooo i know this is an old topic but i hope to god some one could gimme some pointers... im mechanically inclined just haven't done much work at all with transmissions

Devin LeBlanc

Apr 7, 2010
Las Vegas NV.
disconnect the single connector going to the solenoid and get a test wire hooked to positive on your battery and touch it to the connector on the solenoid.. You should hear it click, it is very obvious and pretty loud. If you remove the solenoid be sure to ground it as well, the case it self.