Here's the thread I tried to reply to, but it's over 666 days old so sm won't let me!
Sorry to bring this back, but I have a question for those of you who replaced the tranny only. When you detach it from the engine, what stops the engine from flopping backwards in the engine bay and crushing something? In my mind, I see the tranny come off, and no more weight on the back of the engine, so would it not fall forward or something? I'm thinking of replacing the auto tranny in my parking spot is why I ask.
Sorry to bring this back, but I have a question for those of you who replaced the tranny only. When you detach it from the engine, what stops the engine from flopping backwards in the engine bay and crushing something? In my mind, I see the tranny come off, and no more weight on the back of the engine, so would it not fall forward or something? I'm thinking of replacing the auto tranny in my parking spot is why I ask.