I recently swapped out transmissions in my car, to a cleaner used 1jz auto. If shifts fine, smooth, still need to adjust the kickdown cable but, there are no problems going into gear, or shifting. However theres a buzzing sound, which i have a hunch is electrical because lets say if i roll down my windows or up, the buzzing sound goes away, but comes back once the windows are up. You can only hear it faintly in Park, and Neutral. In Reverse and Drive, its audible, but not overly obnoxiously loud. While the transmission was apart, the filter was replaced, and magnets were cleaned. Im assuming this is the solenoid, my dad and i checked them multi meter, before sealing things up, and they were in spec as per TSRM. Should i not worry about it, if everything is working fine. Im running Toyota T-IV ATF in it.