Jay: They're trying.
Got curious to see the extent of the fires and which towns were affected and which roads have been reopened so went for a Cruise.
1st pic is what it normally looks like heading out of Melbourne, 2nd/3rd pics are 1Km further on..
4th pic is from deep within the worst part of the fire zone, I could go any further as the police turned me back due to it being a Forensic Crime scene
(The police are doing a brilliant job up there)
Had to backtrack out of there then cut back across to check out some more on the South West side of the fire zone, again could only get so far in before being turned back so came back in on the major highway from the 1st pic.
It's bizarre in places half a paddock is burned the other half not even singed, some trees are burnt matchsticks other have all their leaves, I came across a "LOOTERS WILL BE SHOT" sign around where the 4th pic was taken so didn't get out of the car.
There were many convoys of firetrucks following a spotter Chopper's directions so it's far from over.
I'll cross post this.