Attention PARENTS... teach your kids about "right of way" before I run them over...


Classifieds Moderator
Staff member
Mar 26, 2006
Guys, for those of you with kids, may I suggest that you teach your children to, you know... LOOK before attempting to cross the street? Nearly ran over a girl yesterday because she couldn't be bothered to look before riding her bike RIGHT out in front of me. If I didn't like scratches on my car, I probably wouldn't have stopped. It's not like she was young enough to not know better either. :nono:

I swear, kids these days, it's like parents never told them that their being in the way doesn't magically make them invincible... it's really a good thing I'm not one of the tards that drives around on their phone all the time, I might not have noticed, and there would be one less kid in school today because she'd be dead. :3d_frown:

Something to consider people. All it takes is ONE person not paying attention to end YOUR child's life. Teach them to look out for themselves, because the world won't always be looking out for them. ;)


Active Member
Nov 23, 2006
Easton, Ma
HAHA dude, come drive around Brockton MA sometime.
Fucking "hood rats" don't look before crossing the street they'll walk right across the street regardless if anyone is on the road or not.
I lost count of how many times i've almost smashed into them but didnt for the fear of getting sued and losing. If it wern't for the ass backwards lawsuits around here i'd plow into each and every one of them not in a cross walk.

I hear you about the kids tho, last summer a young child died from getting hit by a car, right in the center of town AND they were in a crosswalk. Wasnt the 1st kid at that intersection either.
Teach your kids about cross walks and right-of-way to keep them as safe as you can.


New Member
Apr 4, 2012
this has been going on since there have been streets,driving is being aware of what is going on around you and expecting shit like that to happen. It's funny that when someone walks in front of you "cutting you off" while you're also walking most times you will apologize or exchange some type of courtesy. Put that person in a car under the same circumstances and this topic is the result.


Boobs/Boost, my favorite
Jun 13, 2006
Los Angeles
austin;1837950 said:
this has been going on since there have been streets,driving is being aware of what is going on around you and expecting shit like that to happen. It's funny that when someone walks in front of you "cutting you off" while you're also walking most times you will apologize or exchange some type of courtesy. Put that person in a car under the same circumstances and this topic is the result.

That's because humans are emotional beins able to convey their sorrow, many times without a word. Cars on the other-hand are cold emotionless machines with no sense of right or wrong. Its human nature to see faces in things (, cars have "faces", and unless its a Mazda 3, most look angry.

What I hate the most is when the little guy on the crosswalk turns into a solid red hand and people still go for it. Fucker, its my turn to go before I'm stuck at the intersection waiting for your dumbass to cross!!


Straight Cougar
Aug 2, 2007
Lancaster, CA
RazoE;1838204 said:
What I hate the most is when the little guy on the crosswalk turns into a solid red hand and people still go for it. Fucker, its my turn to go before I'm stuck at the intersection waiting for your dumbass to cross!!

I approve this message. Those are always the people that drag ass and take their own sweet time about it too.


Classifieds Moderator
Staff member
Mar 26, 2006
kotu100;1837943 said:
I hear you about the kids tho, last summer a young child died from getting hit by a car, right in the center of town AND they were in a crosswalk. Wasnt the 1st kid at that intersection either.
Teach your kids about cross walks and right-of-way to keep them as safe as you can.
Lost my best friend when I was younger due to a hit and run, but it's largely suspected that due to the time (early morning, early January) that my friend didn't notice the oncoming car. More than likely didn't have headlights on (not uncommon in Phoenix) and it wasn't a well lit street back then. He was a really smart kid too, not especially clumsy either, so... Nobody will ever really know, but I know what I went through, it just baffles me that kids these days don't realize that 2 tons of car do not give a flying fuck that you're in the road. Physics ALWAYS wins guys...

austin;1837950 said:
this has been going on since there have been streets,driving is being aware of what is going on around you and expecting shit like that to happen. It's funny that when someone walks in front of you "cutting you off" while you're also walking most times you will apologize or exchange some type of courtesy. Put that person in a car under the same circumstances and this topic is the result.
In the rare instance that I happen to do something boneheaded while driving and piss someone off, I make my apologies known. When I'm a pedestrian, I make damned sure I'm not about to walk out in front of a car. Given that my 2 ton loud as I can stand it CAR has nearly been run over a few times around here, I don't assume that ANYONE is paying attention. Why anyone else would around here, I don't know.

Suprapowaz!(2);1838156 said:
Natural selection. Just let it happen. Don't feel bad about it.
Should have. Then gotten out, screaming, "oh my, oh my, are you ok???? It'll be alright, we'll get you fixed up in no time!", speaking to my car, of course.

mkiiichip;1838166 said:
But, my bumper....
I'm with you on this one... fucking children in my neighborhood are worse than the deer. At least the deer only eat your flowers and poop in your lawn. They pay attention to your car when you drive toward them...


Active Member
May 2, 2007
My favorite in my old neighborhood (so glad I'm out of there now) is when kids think they're so cool they can make cars stop for them. They'll take their good old time strutting across the street with their pants falling to their ankles as they try to hold them up and they stare you down when crossing ever so slowly.:: angry :: That's when I bought an air horn! :evil2: The change in their pace is amazing!! That or as soon as I have enough space to clear, light em up and let the wastegate SCREAM!! They run thinking the car is about to explode! bahaha!!:biglaugh:


Toyota Technician
Nov 11, 2007
Chicago, IL
I hate the idiot kids who cross the street with their Beats Headphones, so they can't hear shit cuz the volume is at max, and are oblivious to looking both ways. Kids are stupid as shit these days and I know its our job to watch out for them but seriously?


New Member
Jan 13, 2009
Calgary, Alberta
Could install a cow plow bodykit


Classifieds Moderator
Staff member
Mar 26, 2006
supra1008;1839269 said:
That's when I bought an air horn! :evil2: The change in their pace is amazing!! That or as soon as I have enough space to clear, light em up and let the wastegate SCREAM!! They run thinking the car is about to explode! bahaha!!:biglaugh:
That's one of the things I am looking forward to on the 46... it has dual horns, a buddy of mine has the same ones on his 50-something Studabaker. Bastards are SO loud, I love em. I would love to install a semi truck air horn on my Supra, but not sure where it would fit... Maybe under the back by the exhaust somewhere? Hmm...

phatbimmer;1839312 said:
Kids are stupid as shit these days and I know its our job to watch out for them but seriously?
It's my job to watch what's in the road. It's their job to have the self preservation instinct not to walk out into traffic blindly. At this rate, I'm going to have a REAL hard time feeling sorry for anyone who loses a kid to this when they can't be bothered to teach their kids the basics.

-Look both ways before crossing a street.
-Don't eat yellow snow.
-Beware of bee nests.
-Don't talk to strangers.
-Look where you're walking.

When did this stuff stop being important enough advice to teach children?


Active Member
May 2, 2007
te72;1839385 said:
That's one of the things I am looking forward to on the 46... it has dual horns, a buddy of mine has the same ones on his 50-something Studabaker. Bastards are SO loud, I love em. I would love to install a semi truck air horn on my Supra, but not sure where it would fit... Maybe under the back by the exhaust somewhere? Hmm...

It's my job to watch what's in the road. It's their job to have the self preservation instinct not to walk out into traffic blindly. At this rate, I'm going to have a REAL hard time feeling sorry for anyone who loses a kid to this when they can't be bothered to teach their kids the basics.

-Look both ways before crossing a street.
-Don't eat yellow snow.
-Beware of bee nests.
-Don't talk to strangers.
-Look where you're walking.
-Don't try stealing an old man's bicycle or you will get shot and die and the old man will go free

When did this stuff stop being important enough advice to teach children?

one more added^
and yes that happened here.