At least the drift morons keep it entertaining around here...


7M Powered
Aug 15, 2006
Gainesville, FL
This gives imports (I know its a Chevy but cops hate anything with can exhaust) such a bad name, a dumbass kid in Caviler UNDER THE INFLUENCE, "drifting" in a fwd...FUCK THAT KID, he deserves the most servere punishment he gets.


Active Member
Mar 30, 2005
Poodles said:
doubt he was trying to drift, he was drunk and the media wanted to hype it up (as usual)

Sadly I think you are probably correct Poodles. The thing that terrifies the shit out of me is if some jackass pulls up next to you, revs his motor and speeds up, they are going to charge you with street racing, regardless of what you were actually doing. Just because you were there, and you have a fast car.

God forbid he crosses the double yellow and head on's an oncoming car, they'll charge you with street racing and vehicular homicide. Again, because you were there. You are presumed guilty. And tell me how the hell you could prove your innocence?

There's no way in hell that a court would ever believe you weren't racing...

And it's riceboy fuckholes like this one that cause it. This irresponsible schmuck just made it harder to own an import in Atlanta.


New Member
Sep 12, 2006
Chatham, Va
i lmao when i read this. it made me think of the ricers where i live with their FWD. they hang out at a Steinmart and put lunch trays under their back tires and pull the ebrake and start driving. they think its drifting, ahahaha. i havent actually been up there to witness but i would be lmao the whole time so im sure the riceboys wouldnt like me too much


supra is gone
Jan 30, 2006
Supracentral said:
Sadly I think you are probably correct Poodles. The thing that terrifies the shit out of me is if some jackass pulls up next to you, revs his motor and speeds up, they are going to charge you with street racing, regardless of what you were actually doing. Just because you were there, and you have a fast car.

God forbid he crosses the double yellow and head on's an oncoming car, they'll charge you with street racing and vehicular homicide. Again, because you were there. You are presumed guilty. And tell me how the hell you could prove your innocence?

There's no way in hell that a court would ever believe you weren't racing...

And it's riceboy fuckholes like this one that cause it. This irresponsible schmuck just made it harder to own an import in Atlanta.

supracentral you hit that right on. it's unreal how they can pin it on you just for being there in a sports car! and it is the idiots out there like this kid that cause all the problems for people that enjoy having a preformance car not so they can street race but because it's a hobby. some people just gotta ruin it for the whole group.

PS. at least it wasn't a supra he crashed. would have made supra owning in atlanta even more difficult


Apr 29, 2006
Huntington Beach CA/Ohio
Supracentral said:
Sadly I think you are probably correct Poodles. The thing that terrifies the shit out of me is if some jackass pulls up next to you, revs his motor and speeds up, they are going to charge you with street racing, regardless of what you were actually doing. Just because you were there, and you have a fast car.

God forbid he crosses the double yellow and head on's an oncoming car, they'll charge you with street racing and vehicular homicide. Again, because you were there. You are presumed guilty. And tell me how the hell you could prove your innocence?

There's no way in hell that a court would ever believe you weren't racing...

And it's riceboy fuckholes like this one that cause it. This irresponsible schmuck just made it harder to own an import in Atlanta.

If true, which I can definitely believe, that's sad. Its even more annoying that they HAD to reference the fast and furious in the article. Gimme a break...


natedogr said:
i lmao when i read this. it made me think of the ricers where i live with their FWD. they hang out at a Steinmart and put lunch trays under their back tires and pull the ebrake and start driving. they think its drifting, ahahaha. i havent actually been up there to witness but i would be lmao the whole time so im sure the riceboys wouldnt like me too much

Its called traying and its amazingly stupid:


New Member
Sep 12, 2006
Chatham, Va
^traying, haha. i've seen a few vids of "traying" before, its not just funny its stupid funny. so RWD has drifting and FWD has traying. ahaha

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Sep 9, 2005
The thing I don't get about these retards is why they think they invented it, and why they changed the name to drifting.


I play with fire
Jul 22, 2006
Fort Worth, TX
traying....looks like fun LOL

that arab stuff is insain, drifting in traffic.... I've only done that once because I had to...