Very fortunate to be in the Pac NW. Within 2 hours driving distance, to the north, there's Upgraded Supra (Duane),Randy (BIC perf.) NashMan,87 7MGTE (Jason) Jayhall, (Darrel) BTZ (Brent) Van Supra (Big Don, A.k.a "Chicken Wang" man) and many others I know by face. Within an hour of me, is JT2MA71 (Ron Ram) KW Nate, Disced (Kyle) and Jr.(don't know his screen name) Two hours south of me are Joe Schesso (JoeTHaMan) Jake (IHRC) and Heidi, 89Turbo, MattOneDime (sometimes!) and many others again I know by face. On the east side of the mountains are several more Supra (MkIII) brothers, including American Jebus, and Boosted STR8Six, Sethron, and a couple more in Spokane. Washington State is a great place to be a MKIII owner!!!