Anyone ever had this problem? I could understand seeing this problem with a head and block that has been machined, but this car hasn't had either and they are still too long. I am having the head machined so this makes me worry even more. There are about 5 threads sticking out of the block still after the stud is bottomed out. I cleaned the threads in the block with a tap so I know they are not just dirty. Is 5 threads normal? Also the threads in the block stop about a 1/4 inch or so from the bottom of the hole. I am re doing a metal headgasket for a friend and I suspect this is why it blew in less than 1000 miles..... In addition to not being machined the first time..... Am I the only one that has seen this problem? I called ARP to make sure the stud was the correct length and it is according to them... What do you guys think??