No, I am absolutely not happy. I'm currently job hunting, and I hope you guys don't mind, because I'm going to use this time to vent.
I work at a Chevy dealer in the Parts Department. I've been here nearly 3 years, and make $10.50/hr.
I don't get time and a half on anything over 40hrs even though the other parts guy does, and when I bring it up, the subject gets changed.
I don't get commission even though the other parts guy does.
I'm not enrolled in the "GM Awards" program, even though I've asked countless times about it, much like time and a half, the subject gets changed (oh, and I dont suppose I need to mention that the other parts guy is enrolled in it) and what I've found is that my points that I earn are distributed evenly between the other guy and the parts manager, and they in turn buy cool stuff with my points. Isn't that fucked...
I constantly get in trouble for minor things, co-workers rat me out for being on the internet, when I'm just checking my email or jumping on the forum real quick, even when they themselves are guilty of the same thing...
I get blamed for things that I didn't do, and when I prove it's not me, I don't get an apology, or even much of a reaction... all I get is a pissed off look from them when they realize they were wrong.
I got blamed for some bad paperwork recently. I'm the one who checks in the stock order every morning. One day while I'm checking in the order, my boss comes up to me and slams some paperwork on the desk in front of me. I slowly look up and see him standing there looking pissed with his hands on his hips.
I calmly say "yes?"
He says "Lets go over this. I figured you'd understand how to do this after this long of being here, but I guess I have to spell it out for you, don't I... You take the top sheet and put it UNDER THE PACKING LIST (and violently rips the staple out and throws the papers on the desk in front of me. Then he grabs the stapler and starts giving me this tutorial on how he wants the paperwork like I'm 5 years old. Now, in the meantime, he's yelling at me but I'm noticing the paperwork is from the recent past Saturday. Now I'm enjoying this because this isn't my paperwork, I didn't work that Saturday.
This is the fault of the other parts guy who can do no wrong, and has been here 7 years.
Well, since he's being a dick to me and yelling at me, right in my face, and I know he's way in the wrong... I let him keep going.
Then when he gets finished with his shit he throws the finished packet in front of me and says "that's how I want it. I don't know why you can do it right all this time and fuck it up so badly in one day"
I calmly open up the paperwork and say
"The only reason it's fucked up is because this is from Saturday."
he says "so? how is that supposed to be an excuse"
I say "I didn't work saturday. Go yell at him." and I point at the other guy
he just grabs the paper and shuffles off muttering something. only said a couple words to the other guy and mentions he made me look like an asshole... which is wrong. he's the one that looked like an asshole.
many, many other things are wrong with this place too.
Regardless of whether or not you bought your car here, if the owner is walking through the shop and doesn't see any dealer sticker or license plate frame on a car, he will clean off a spot on the back and apply one of his dealer stickers.
I'm still waiting for the day when somebody gets infuriated by this action. It's only a matter of time.
Sorry for the rant, but I had the opportunity.
::edit:: LOL! Guess I'm really unhappy