Here goes the official itinerary, which we try our best to follow! (Copied from Celicatech)
Friday April 17th:
8pm: Meet, Greet, Eat.
Location: Cracker Barrel 9214 Park West Blvd. Knoxville, TN. Located just off of I-40/75 on Exit 373 (Cedar Bluff.)
Saturday April 18th:
8am: Meet and prepare for departure.
Location: Old Food City Parkinglot. This is located on Executive Park Drive, just across from the Holiday Inn Select. Just off of I-40/75 on Exit 378. Yes, just down the street from Cracker Barrel.
9am: Departure.
This puts us reaching the base of the Dragon at or around 10am. Once there, we will stop for pictures and determine running order. In the event that more cars arrive than is safe for a caravan (20+) cars will be broken into groups. This is for our convenience as well as the safety and convenience of others on the road.
10am: Run!
We will begin running the Dragon at 10am, either was a whole or in smaller groups. Hopefully we will be able to get several run in over the next few hours.
1pm: Pictures.
We will make our way to Fontana Dam for group pictures. After these pictures, we will make our way to the top of the mountain to the church for more pictures.
In these pictures I would like all cars represented and uniformly parked. This is to ensure equal exposure of all cars and attendees being visible and represented.
3pm: Cherohala Skyway.
At 2pm we will depart the church and head for the Skyway. This will be a long run, so I suggest that anyone that needs gas for the next 100 mile stretch have it. There won’t be any gas stations.
8pm(approximately): Dinner.
Location as of yet to be determined. As all the cars should be in a tight group, general consensus will determine.
Sunday April 19th:
10am: Discussion, Show and Bench Racing.
Location: Old Food City Parkinglot. This is located on Executive Park Drive, just across from the Holiday Inn Select. Just off of I-40/75 on Exit 378.
All points from here on out will be played by ear. I know some folks desire a junk yard run, some would like to head to Pigeon Forge for Go-Karts and or shopping.
2pm: Lunch/Dinner.
Location: To be determined
At some point and time after this, we will all go our merry ways.
Some folks will be in earlier, some folks will be staying later. This is only a general guideline, however, we will be trying very hard to stick to these times.
Remember your Two-Ways. I will update with our channel at the time of the event.
My name is Murg and my number is (Eight Six Five) Seven Seven Three Nine Seven Zero Eight.