Here's a manual link I found:§ion=attach&attach_id=65020
Pg 22 and 23 talk about setting the boost/duty. I think there's another setting involved... but like an idiot, I deleted the very detailed writeup I found about it. Anyway, if I remember correctly you simply have to get the duty cycle close and it will self learn at over 85% throttle. To do that, I started with the unit at stock wastegate settings (so the unit basically did nothing), and worked the graph higher at small incaments by increasing the boost up to 12psi. This allowed the unit to build on a duty cycle graph it already had, rather than starting from scratch with each boost level setting. I use setting B as max boost around home, setting A as medium for mountain passes going up and down, and then OFF is for when I'm at sea level.
I distinctly remember there being an "auto" setting somewhere that would force the unit to always self learn, overridding manual settings. But I think my brain is just makin' shit up...
Yeah, mine is kg/cm^2 as well, I have a graph in 0.5psi intervals written on the front of my manual (which is coil bound), that shows the conversions from 1psi to 16psi. This strategy worked well for my little CT26, I don't know how it would work for a bigass turbo.
Suppose I should have mentioned that by "selecting what I want", I only change it up or down 0.5-1psi or so, and it will self learn the new duty graph without me messing with it because the incriment is not large enough to cause alot of overshoot or low boost... close enough for the unit to just make a few little changes to trim up the duty.
IIRC, setting it the first time was an undertaking on a straight empty road. I'm really glad for Toyota's genius in designing fuel cut into the 7M ECU, or I'd have blown it up by now dinking with the AVCR.