Hobbes992 said:
How are you supposed to know if there is a crack in your engine block/head then? After the warranty is over and it starts smoking? How can you even tell them there is a crack in it and get the block replaced if you can't remove the head to do a visual inspection?
Your not. It does not matter if you buy a used domestic engine or jdm. They will tell you the same thing "pulling the head off voids your warranty". I still maintain that a reputable company who sold you a used engine that had siezed valves and then a cracked block, would be a little willing to work with you instead of having a "sucks to be you attidude"
I was not trying to discourage you from going jdm. I'm just saying there are no guaranties. I could probably have returned the engine under warranty and got a new one In a month or two but I was not willing to wait that long.Other people were happy with the 7m engines they got from the same place, I just had some shitty luck.
If your thinking of rebuilding the engine, I'd consider the one you have, or possibly a good core from a local wrecker. Or just go with an importer with a good rep. Your luck might be better than mine