Anyone here got Bioshock yet?

Yellow 13

Apr 4, 2006
Fairfield, California
The casual people who dont know the correct way to uninstall-reinstall the game. Theres a simple process to having it so it can be on 5 PC's but most people probally wont know about it.

In the meantime a workaround for pirates is already underway.

"The real argument against draconian DRM is simple. It doesn't stop pirates. Never has, never will. So what is the purpose of DRM? If it is to prevent casual copying then none of these measures would be necessary. The only people who would be stopped from casual copying would be the same people stopped by a simple cd check. So draconian DRM really only hurts people who legitimately own the game and plan to use it in a manner consistant with the law.

What this means is that you have a right to be pissed off when this DRM intrudes on your life. You are being unfairly harassed for doing what is right while people who pirate the game will have a completely hassle-free experience."


Supramania Contributor
Mar 30, 2005
Very slowly working on getting the demo to try it out.

I think this only install on 2 (or 5, whichever is true) PC's is blown way out of proportion. iTunes has done this since day one, with it you can authenticate 5 PC at one time and thats it. If you screw up and reformat without uninstalling it, you just get all the PCs de-authorized, and there is a limit on how many times you can do this, but if you screw up that many times you deserve to be punished for it. I'm sure Bioshock has a similar setup.


Supramania Contributor
Mar 30, 2005
Just finished playing the demo. Looks pretty interesting! I need to finish some of the games I own now 1st though. LOL

Still need to at least get further into STALKER (which chugs even for me on an 8800GTX), and I'm enjoying Rainbow Six Vegas right now.
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Back in the game!
Jul 16, 2006
ive noticed a few odd things. my system isnt exactly slow (amd 4400+ dual core overclocked to 2.4 each core, 2gb ddr2, 6700gt mildly overclocked) and the game has been crashing on me a little bit. i dropped resolution down to 800x600 and the detail to medium and it still crashed out, just not as often. oh, and the whole 2 plasmid thing sucks. i want electricity, incinerate AND telekenisis. bastards.


Supramania Contributor
Mar 30, 2005
I just cranked it to max everything and it was perfectly smooth for me. The Unreal engine (which I was happy to see it runs on) is always very good to me though in the nvidia camp.

Going to check for that patch Kai!

EDIT: Looks like I need to get going on STALKER... Clear Sky looks awesome!
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That Limey Bastard
Staff member
Same on mine - even with a measly 256mb Radeon X1950 Pro it's flawless and i didnt once notice any stuttering or slowdown - its been very, very well coded i think.

STALKER is a great game but it looks like they were very sloppy with coding, especially the pixel shaders! At least now they've fixed it somewhat :)


New Member
Jun 20, 2007
Dobbs Ferry, NY
Kai said:
STALKER is a great game but it looks like they were very sloppy with coding, especially the pixel shaders! At least now they've fixed it somewhat :)

I noticed that too. Sorta makes you wonder what they spent the 8+ish? years or so that it was in production doing.