1320Video;1648237 said:
I don't set the price, MVPMotorsports does, it's always been that price. Thanks for the business, glad you enjoyed it.
even if i found a way to pirate your movie i would still buy it later, because i want to watch it now, but im un-employed so money is currently tight and i cant even afford your movie. i will not say your movie is "over-priced" compaired to others at least, but the cheaper the better, hell make it $5 and ill buy it tuesday lol. But i can put my honest word in that i'd buy it just so i can say i own it and also so i dont have to store it on my HD "not that its a bad thing to have on it " but from the trailers i've seen it looks amazing and wish you luck on sales and congrat you on your job well done.
But now seriously who shot you the email saying there was talk of piracy brewing lol gotta point the finger at someone

---------- Post added at 04:20 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:13 AM ----------
idk if anyone here follows along with the pirate bay:AFK movie but hell this guy is making a movie and he isnt asking for payment on it at all, he is going to freely distribute it but he asked for donations and he got like 240% of his goal, almost triple that of what he needed for the production of this thing. everyone runs on greed, but its amazing to see what will happen when all you ask is for donations and that if you liked it that you'd please send a donation.