For internet access you just need a wifi card and a high gain antenna. I think the antenna was $20 and the 54g wifi card was $12 on sale at Fry's. ( In my area there are hotspots all over the place, and all of downtown Fullerton has wifi. I can usually connect at post offices, schools many restraunts, or just about any city street. I got a handheld wifi locator and I also use Netstumbler. I figure that if they didn't password protect it, they don't mind if people use it. I don't have a password on my wireless router and I could care less if someone used it for a few minutes once in a while. I have like 2.4mb of bandwidth down so I would not even notice. Think about it, if using someones wifi is such a big deal, why did Microsoft put "automatically detect settings" and "auto connect to non-perfered networks" in windows xp? Internet should be free anyways.