Thanks guys, that worked great!!!! I initially had to send photos because I was switching from Liability to Full coverage.
I called back under the guise of making sure the email made it thru OK. The Secretary answered, she hollered to her boss (the recipient) I waited and he said "Its coming thru right now." I could here him say something, but I couldn't understand it. He was obviously not happy. She dropped the phone on her desk and ran over to his desk. I could hear him say real loud, "HE SAID IT HAD A LITTLE SCRATCH!!!" less than a second passed and she grabbed teh phone off the desk (the clanking was loud as hell) and I said "Is everything OK? " She said, uh can you drive the So that we can see it?"
I said "!....... Im just kidding, the real photos are on the way." I wish I could have seen the looks on their faces!!!!
Then she read me the riot act because she said the main office gets a copy of all their emails and....bla bla bla. I said "Come on man that was funny, wasnt it?!?!?" She didnt think it was that funny! I didn't even get a laugh out of her. She even wanted me to bring the car in, its was more than a half hour's drive, and I was trying to get out of it. She finally let me off the hook with some convincing.
I should have recorded it, it was only funny because they didn't think it was!!!
Thanks again guys.