i just purchased a dynapak clutch kit for 212.96 at autozone, with a lifetime waranty, i was just wondering if any of you guys have had any experience with this clutch?
Mk3Jesse said:i just purchased a dynapak clutch kit for 212.96 at autozone, with a lifetime waranty, i was just wondering if any of you guys have had any experience with this clutch?
lol i stole his avatar out of that Who's avatar is this lol.oscolivar1 said:lol jesus i thot u were slow66, that avatar fooled me. i was gonna ask how is an autozone clutch going to handle the motor that will go on that monster.
id PM 89jdm7m, he's a friends of mine.
i know he got an autozone clutch, but im not sure if its that same.