Well, I let backing up my files go a little too far and my old HP desktop took a giant dump on me. I had to get a new hard drive installed, but the old hard drive has a bunch of pictures of one of our sons when he was 1.5 to about 3.
It was before we started doing online backups and the computer wasn't too fast so we didn't use it much. Of course, I know I should have been backing them up the whole time, but are there any data recovery experts out there somewhere?
Anybody with computer experience or recommendations for some companies out there? My local guy knows a company a little south of me, but they'd charge $1800 for it.
Thanks for any help!:1zhelp::aigo:
It was before we started doing online backups and the computer wasn't too fast so we didn't use it much. Of course, I know I should have been backing them up the whole time, but are there any data recovery experts out there somewhere?
Anybody with computer experience or recommendations for some companies out there? My local guy knows a company a little south of me, but they'd charge $1800 for it.
Thanks for any help!:1zhelp::aigo: