HellsLegion said:
OH!!!!!!!!!! MISFIRE SYSTEM!!!!!!!
/initial D
Initial D is hands down, the greatest show ever. I now have the sudden urge to drive a corolla, and open a tofu shop :wiggle:
A 2-step, also known as a launch controller is a secondary rev-limiter on your car. For example, on my car, it will become active as soon as the car's speed drops below 10km/h. At that point, if you floor it, the car will rev to a predefined rev-limit (eg, 5000), and hold there until such time as my car starts moving faster then 10km/h.
What this does is allow you to not only build up boost off the line, but will also allow for more consistant launches, as you don't have to worry about what speed you're launching your car at.
Easy launching

. Stop car, Floor gas, go.
They tend to come built-in to most standalone systems, but can also be piggybacked into an existing system. My V-Pro has a control knob (or several if you want) interfaced into the software, so it can be programmed to do just about anything. I have it programmed to allow me to adjust my 2-step's rev-limit between 3000-5200rpm. Depending on what sort of tires I'm running, and how soon I want my torsion LSD to break, I adjust it