Myself? I don't know? Why is abbreviated such a long word?
ERA New Member Jul 31, 2006 1,934 0 0 34 any way the wind blows May 31, 2009 #581 Myself? I don't know? Why is abbreviated such a long word?
I IJ. Grumpy Old Man Mar 30, 2005 38,728 0 0 62 I come from a land down under May 31, 2009 #582 Who do I ban first? :evil2:
LilMissMkIII That Aussie Chick Aug 18, 2006 4,110 0 0 40 Aussie Land May 31, 2009 #583 Is that a threat?
ERA New Member Jul 31, 2006 1,934 0 0 34 any way the wind blows May 31, 2009 #584 How does someone acquire 26K+ posts?
SupraCorwin Shadow Oct 14, 2008 166 0 16 41 Washington May 31, 2009 #585 should you have just asked that?
iMike_G. Drop Top! FTW Nov 16, 2008 119 0 0 Tracy, California, United States May 31, 2009 #587 why cant we be friends?
I IJ. Grumpy Old Man Mar 30, 2005 38,728 0 0 62 I come from a land down under May 31, 2009 #588 Would it be any worse if I hadn't deleted 8K posts from my total?
LilMissMkIII That Aussie Chick Aug 18, 2006 4,110 0 0 40 Aussie Land May 31, 2009 #589 Would it be any better?
wiseco7mgt dirty mechanic Aug 12, 2007 811 0 0 queensland May 31, 2009 #590 Would it be that time saved from eating frozen vegetables have helped you attain such a high amount of posts?:biglaugh:
Would it be that time saved from eating frozen vegetables have helped you attain such a high amount of posts?:biglaugh:
LilMissMkIII That Aussie Chick Aug 18, 2006 4,110 0 0 40 Aussie Land May 31, 2009 #591 Who else is awake?
ValgeKotkas Supramania Contributor Apr 14, 2006 2,224 0 36 35 Over the pond May 31, 2009 #592 You think I could be sleeping?
I IJ. Grumpy Old Man Mar 30, 2005 38,728 0 0 62 I come from a land down under May 31, 2009 #593 LilMissMkIII;1332286 said: Who else is awake? Click to expand... I think therefore I am?
B buckshotglass I love all your sounds. Oct 21, 2006 4,081 0 0 Pa. __ __ __ _______ ___Don't shoot the messenger May 31, 2009 #594 is it time to get up?
LilMissMkIII That Aussie Chick Aug 18, 2006 4,110 0 0 40 Aussie Land May 31, 2009 #595 Would I be correct if I said yes?
staticpage Banned: Scammer, liar, cheat and thief Oct 3, 2007 310 0 0 Cincinnati May 31, 2009 #596 what happens if i don't ask a question?
ValgeKotkas Supramania Contributor Apr 14, 2006 2,224 0 36 35 Over the pond May 31, 2009 #597 What do you think the answer would be?
iMike_G. Drop Top! FTW Nov 16, 2008 119 0 0 Tracy, California, United States May 31, 2009 #598 iwould it be a ban?
tbcmorris SM Expert Thread Derailer Mar 14, 2007 1,820 0 0 40 PRUVEN PERFORMANCE MILFORD CT May 31, 2009 #599 Do you think that IJ. Will beat you wwith the all mighty ban stick?
iMike_G. Drop Top! FTW Nov 16, 2008 119 0 0 Tracy, California, United States May 31, 2009 #600 will he do more then just beat me wit it?